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Released: 29-Aug-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Alison Barkoff Named Harold and Jane Hirsh Associate Professor of Health Law and Policy
George Washington University

The Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University has named Alison Barkoff as its Harold and Jane Hirsh Associate Professor of Health Law and Policy.

Released: 29-Aug-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: High US Maternal Mortality Rate: Looking to Europe for Answers
George Washington University

According to a story by the AP, increasing access to basic healthcare such as prenatal checkups is one solution for the US.

Newswise: 1920_imo-constipation-alirezaie-cedars-sinai.jpg?10000
Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Gut Microorganism May Play a Role in Constipation

A new Cedars-Sinai study shows how microorganisms in the human gut can trigger constipation in some people.

Newswise: Johns Hopkins Researchers Identify Key Markers in Pancreatic Cancer Progression Using a New Analysis Pipeline
Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Researchers Identify Key Markers in Pancreatic Cancer Progression Using a New Analysis Pipeline
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Using a new workflow that integrates spatial transcriptomics and machine learning for imaging analysis and integration with single-cell datasets, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have identified novel molecular and cellular markers in the development of one of the most aggressive, deadly pancreatic cancers: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).

Newswise: Researchers discover a surprising way to jump-start battery performance
Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers discover a surprising way to jump-start battery performance
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

In a study published today in Joule, researchers at the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center report that giving batteries their first charge at unusually high currents increased their average lifespan by 50% while decreasing the initial charging time from 10 hours to just 20 minutes.

Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
CHLA Gastroenterologist Provides Guidance on the Use of Intestinal Ultrasound in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care for New Clinical Practice Update
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Mallory Chavannes, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, FAAP, Clinical Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, has co-written “AGA Clinical Practice Update on the Role of Intestinal Ultrasound in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Commentary,” a new clinical practice update from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute.

Newswise: SLU/YouGov Poll: Majorities of Missouri Voters Support Abortion Constitutional Amendment and Prohibiting Cell Phone Access in High Schools
Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
SLU/YouGov Poll: Majorities of Missouri Voters Support Abortion Constitutional Amendment and Prohibiting Cell Phone Access in High Schools
Saint Louis University

The August 2024 SLU/YouGov Poll surveyed 900 likely Missouri voters about their opinions regarding the 2024 election, political issues facing the state and country, Missouri education issues, and matters considered by the Missouri state government.

Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Plastic surgery patients who use marijuana also have elevated nicotine levels
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Marijuana use is common among patients considering plastic surgery and is associated with elevated nicotine levels on laboratory tests, reports a paper in the September issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Newswise: Five Ways LiSA is Advancing Solar Fuels
Released: 29-Aug-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Five Ways LiSA is Advancing Solar Fuels
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Since its launch in 2020, the Liquid Sunlight Alliance has enabled major progress in artificial photosynthesis – including advances in device performance, materials durability, and computational modeling. Here are five breakthroughs LiSA research teams led by Berkeley Lab have achieved so far.

28-Aug-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Combo immunotherapy produces distinct waves of cancer-fighting T cells with each dose
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A new tool for monitoring immune health patterns over time reveals how a pair of checkpoint inhibitor therapies works together to recruit new cancer-fighting T cells with every infusion.

Newswise: Novel motion simulator reveals key role of airflow in rodent navigation
28-Aug-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Novel motion simulator reveals key role of airflow in rodent navigation
Bar-Ilan University

With the assistance of a novel motion simulator, researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have discovered that rats rely on airflow to navigate their surroundings. When they move, the flow of air relative to their bodies provides crucial information, complementary to their sense of balance, to perceive their own motion in space. This might explain their agility in the dark as they scurry through pipes and tunnels, turn corners, and effortlessly travel from one location to another, all while knowing exactly where they’re headed.

Newswise: NASA's Roman Space Telescope to Investigate Galactic Fossils
Released: 29-Aug-2024 10:10 AM EDT
NASA's Roman Space Telescope to Investigate Galactic Fossils
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

The universe may seem static, only capable of being captured in still frames, but that is far from the truth. It is actually ever-changing, just not on timescales clearly visible to humans. NASA’s upcoming Roman Space Telescope will bridge this gap in time, opening the way to the dynamic universe.

Released: 29-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
How You Can Practice Pharmaceutical Safety
Tufts University

When you pick up a prescription or get a vaccination, it’s paramount that you trust the medication is safe. In the U.S., a system of laws, procedures, and personal responsibility combine to ensure drug safety, or pharmacovigilance.

Newswise: What my ovarian cancer journey has taught me: ‘It’s not a death sentence’
Released: 29-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
What my ovarian cancer journey has taught me: ‘It’s not a death sentence’
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Here, based on her own cancer journey, Joanne Slobodien shares five bits of advice she would give others who are just starting to navigate their diagnosis and treatment plan.

Newswise: Michael Chin Named Dean of Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Released: 29-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Michael Chin Named Dean of Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Tufts University

Michael T. Chin, a renowned expert in virology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and cardiology, has been named dean of Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Released: 29-Aug-2024 10:00 AM EDT
Excellence in Nursing: Awards to be Presented at AACN's Academic Nursing Leadership Conference
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)

At the 2024 Academic Nursing Leadership Conference (ANLC), taking place on October 14-16, in Washington, DC, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) will honor several individuals and member institutions with awards for their outstanding contributions to nursing education, research, and practice.

28-Aug-2024 3:00 PM EDT
Data Science Coalition Invites Teachers and Parents To Have a Say in the Future of Data Science Learning
University of Chicago

Data Science Coalition Invites Teachers and Parents To Have a Say in the Future of Data Science Learning

Newswise: JMIR Medical Informatics is inviting submissions for a new theme issue titled:
Released: 29-Aug-2024 9:45 AM EDT
JMIR Medical Informatics is inviting submissions for a new theme issue titled: "Advancing Digital Health: Real-World Implementation and Strategic Insights from Industry-Driven Innovation"
JMIR Publications

JMIR Publications invites submissions to a new theme issue titled “Advancing Digital Health: Real-World Implementation and Strategic Insights from Industry-Driven Innovation” in JMIR Medical Informatics, a leading peer-reviewed journal indexed in PubMed with a unique focus on clinical informatics and the digitization of care processes.

Newswise: This Tiny Backyard Bug Does the Fastest Backflips on Earth
Released: 29-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
This Tiny Backyard Bug Does the Fastest Backflips on Earth
North Carolina State University

Move over, Sonic. There’s a new spin-jumping champion in town – the globular springtail (Dicyrtomina minuta). This diminutive hexapod backflips into the air, spinning to over 60 times its body height in the blink of an eye, and a new study features the first in-depth look at its jumping prowess. Globular springtails are tiny, usually only a couple millimeters in body length.

Newswise: Registration open for 14th annual Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia at the University of Kentucky
Released: 29-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Registration open for 14th annual Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia at the University of Kentucky
University of Kentucky

The 14th annual Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia is set for Sept. 27-28. The symposium, hosted by UK’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, is named in honor and memory of the late William R. Markesbery, M.D., the founding director of Sanders-Brown.

