Newswise — Legendary singer Celine Dion recently canceled an upcoming tour, indicating it is due to a diagnosis of stiff-person syndrome. , an autoimmune immunologist and associate professor of neurology at , has published on the condition and is currently carrying out research to better understand it.
Clardy can describe the syndrome, who is affected, symptom management, and treatments. She can also discuss frequent misdiagnosis of the disorder.
Clardy established the autoimmune neurology clinic at the University of Utah, one of the only clinics of its kind in the world. At the clinic, she focuses on stiff-person syndrome, autoimmune encephalitis, neurosarcoidosis, and other antibody-mediated disorders of the nervous system, both autoimmune and paraneoplastic.
She is also editor of the Neurology Podcast, the official podcast of the American Academy of Neurology. Listen to her podcast, .