Newswise — Baltimore MD - While many people are sheltering in place and working from home to stay safe during the pandemic, it’s nearly impossible to escape news of COVID-19. It appears information and updates on coronavirus are now part of the culture and our everyday lives.  Experts say the information overload around research, a vaccine, hand washing, wearing face coverings, social distancing, along with political, economic and employment upheavals can bring about depression, anxiety, sadness and even loneliness. 

Depression and other mental health disorders could be exacerbated for those diagnosed with and suffering from the disease.  Thankfully, mental health and emergency medicine professionals are aware that depression can be a side effect of COVID-19 and are prepared to treat patients accordingly. 

Chief of Psychiatry Drew Pate, M.D., says we must be mindful of our physical and mental health during the pandemic. He says getting enough sleep and exercise are key.  Dr. Pate advises taking care of our mental health includes reducing stress and its triggers.  Patients are encouraged to maintain a regular schedule, limit exposure to media and to maintain connections with supportive family and friends. 

When patients present in the Emergency Department, along with assessing their physical condition and risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus, doctors will likely ask certain questions to check on a person’s mental health as well. Chair of Emergency Medicine Reginald Brown, M.D., says assessment in the emergency room can help with referring patients to behavioral health professionals who can treat individuals struggling with their mental health.

Interviews available with Drew Pate, MD- Chief of Psychiatry- LifeBridge Health and          

Reginald Brown, M.D., Grace Medical Center- Chair of Emergency Medicine.

--- About LifeBridge Health:

is one of the largest, most comprehensive providers of health services in Maryland. LifeBridge Health includes Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Northwest Hospital, Carroll Hospital, Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital, and related affiliates. For more information, visit