
Layla  Al-Nakkash, PhD

Layla Al-Nakkash, PhD

American Physiological Society (APS)

Professor - Midwestern University

Expertise: DiabetesDiabetes

The research in my lab is primarily concerned with understanding the effects of dietary genistein and other nutriceuticals (and exercise) on intestinal function.

Genistein is an isoflavonic phytoestrogen found naturally in soy, and a known activator of the CFTR chloride channel. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease in which epithelia are adversely affected by loss of proper CFTR function (i.e. sweat duct, pancreas, vas deferens, airway and intestine). \We have shown that consuming dietary genistein increases basal and cAMP-mediated chloride secretion in female wild-type (Wt) murine jejuna and in the well established DeltaF508-CF mouse dietary genistein eliminates the dependence of CF mice for laxatives.  Current work is aimed to evaluate how genistein mediates  benficial effect on survival and weight gain in CF mice.   We have shown that diabetic/obese ob/ob mice have significantly reduced jejunal basal chloride secretion, and furthermore, we demonstrate that consuming genistein-diet will rescue this deficit in basal secretion via influences on intestinal ion transporters.  Recent work in my lab is aimed to evaluate the influence of genistein and exercise in mice fed a high-fat/high-sugar (HFHS) diet, a model of diet-induced diabetic obesity, known to lead to Alzheimer's like pathology. In this model we are examining the gut brain axis.

Current studies in the lab are aimed at determining the mechanism(s) of action of genistein on intestinal function in Wt, CF, ob/ob and HFHS-fed mice, and importantly understanding the sex-dependent differences observed.

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