Associate Professor, Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeDisinformation, Information Studies, Russia, Ukraine
Haigh is an expert in disinformation campaigns. She is from Ukraine and can talk about how Russia is using disinformation in the war there. She can also talk about what is happening on the ground in Ukraine since she is in regular contact with friends there and monitoring media.
Associate Professor, Political Science
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeePolitical Economy, Political Science, Polls, Russia, Russia-Ukraine, Russian politics, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin
Reuter can discuss topics including: Russian domestic politics and public opinion. Reuter and colleagues and have been doing polling in Russia about the conflict. Reuter has been a senior researcher at the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow since 2011.
Agricultural Development, Agricultural Economics, applied economics, Economics, International Trade, Russia, Supply Chain, Ukraine
Dr. Sunghun Lim's research centers on the intersection between International Trade, Agricultural Development, Production, and Supply Chains. His primary research focus is studying how agricultural global value chains and international trade affect national economic outcomes, such as structural transformation, employment, food security, and international trade. His other research interest is understanding the ways in which farmers' risk attitudes toward uncertainty affect strategic agribusiness management, in the context of food security, contract farming, crop diversification, and supply chains. Prior to Texas Tech University, Dr. Lim worked as an adjunct faculty at St. Catherine University in St Paul, Augsburg University in Minneapolis, and Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. He also researched at the University of Minnesota Extension's Applied Research and Evaluation Team. His primary job was leading large scale statewide impact studies in the topics, including the USDA-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), healthy food choice experiments, farmers' markets, and local supply chains. In addition, he researched at the National Food Protection and Defense Institute (FPDI)'s Global Food Supply Chain Team, and the University of Minnesota's Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. Dr. Lim earned his Ph.D. in Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota, M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, and B.A. in Economics both at the University of California-Davis (UC-Davis).
Antitrust, Economics, oil and gas, Pricing, Russia, Ukraine
Noel specializes in competition economics and is perhaps best known for his work on dynamic price competition in the oil and gas industry. He pioneered the now large professional literature on price cycles and price volatility in gasoline markets and is internationally known as a leading competition expert in the industry. He is available to discuss the effects of the current situation on oil prices and inflation.
Economics, quantitative analysis, Russia, Trading, Ukraine
“The Russia-Ukraine crisis has resulted in a significant shock to global energy markets,” she said. “Geopolitical tensions, which always cause uncertainty and concerns about supply disruption, are particularly amplified in this case. Global energy demand is recovering from COVID-19 and supplies were relatively tight even before this crisis. U.S. shale producers, who would normally be expected to respond to higher prices and bring more supply to the market, are not responding as they might have in the past. Some continue to have financial problems, and some have been concerned about the impact of some of the Biden administration's mandates and executive orders. OPEC producers do not have much spare production capacity and are, themselves, not in the position to raise production. The only market certainty is that energy markets will continue to experience volatility.” Kantelis' areas of expertise include economics, quantitative analysis, energy midstream and downstream trading.
Buena Vista Foundation Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Texas Tech UniversityEconomics, History, Russia, Soviet Union, Ukraine
Alan Barenberg specializes in the history of the Soviet Union, with an emphasis on the social and economic history of the 1930s-1970s. His research focuses on a broad range of topics in the economic and social history of the Russian Empire and the USSR. His book, Gulag Town, Company Town: Forced Labor and Its Legacy in Vorkuta (Yale UP, 2014), uses the case of the Arctic community of Vorkuta to resituate the Gulag in the history of the Stalin and post-Stalin eras. Gulag Town, Company Town has been recognized with various prizes, including the Canadian Association of Slavists' Taylor and Francis Book Prize in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (2015), the Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies from the Association for Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies (Honorable Mention, 2015), and the TTU President's Book Award (First Prize, 2016). Dr. Barenberg teaches specialized courses on the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and Central Asia, as well as surveys of Western civilization. He has received multiple teaching awards, including the Hemphill-Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award from the Texas Tech Parents Association (2013) and the TTU President's Excellence in Teaching Award (2016). Before coming to Texas Tech University, Dr. Barenberg received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (2007), an M.A. from the University of Chicago (2000), and a B.A. from Carleton College (1999). Dr. Barenberg has received numerous fellowships, including: Kennan Institute Title VIII Long Term Research Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, (2011-12, declined); Institute for Historical Studies Residential Fellowship, University of Texas (2010, declined); Social Science Research Council Eurasia Dissertation Fellowship (2005-2006); Council on Library and Information Resources Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources in the Humanities (2003-2004). In summer 2015, Dr. Barenberg was a Visiting Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.
Economics, Legislation, Political Science, Russia, Ukraine
Frank Thames is Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University. Dr. Thames received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2000 and joined the Texas Tech faculty in 2002. His current research focuses on legislative behavior in post-communist legislatures, the economic effects of electoral systems, and gender. His journal articles have appeared in Communist and Post-Communist Studies,Demokratizatsiya, Europe-Asia Studies, Social Science Quarterly, Politics & Gender, Comparative Politics, and Comparative Political Studies. He co-authored Contagious Representation: An Examination of Women's Representation in Democratic Political Systems, with Margaret Williams. He teaches undergraduate courses on Comparative Politics, Gender, and Russian Politics. He teaches graduate courses on Comparative Politics, Legislatures, and Gender.
International Relations, Military, Military Strategy, Ukraine, War, Warfare
Dr Christopher Morris is a Teaching Fellow in the School of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation at the University of Portsmouth. He is a member of the Portsmouth Military Education team and specialises in international relations and military strategy.
Dr Morris previously worked for the institute of policing at Staffordshire University where he developed and taught a range of courses. He has scholarly experience across law, international relations and military tactics and their application on the modern battlefield.
He has extensive media experience producing a number of written articles for The Conversation, providing expert comment to national and international newspapers and giving interviews to global radio and TV stations.