
Expert Directory - Horticulture

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2

ADHD, Child Development, Horticulture, landscape design, Self-regulation

examines the effects of green schoolyards and gardens on child development. She advances our understanding of the importance of greenspace in supporting health and well-being and future stewardship of the Earth. She teaches courses on this topic, sustainable horticulture, home gardening, and planting design to support pollinators.

More information: Taylor's expertise marries horticulture with child development and psychology. She studies human dimensions of the environment and has published multiple papers on the effects of nature exposure on child self-regulation, learning, and ADHD symptoms. An international expert on the effects of greenspace, Taylor is available to discuss the topic with media.

Affiliation: Taylor is a teaching assistant professor in the , part of the at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

CORN, Herbicide Resistance, Herbicides, Horticulture, Soybean, Vegetable Crops, Weed Science

helps growers sustainably produce affordable and nutritious vegetables for consumers. He is an international leader in framing high-caliber research, explaining critical problems in weed management and crop production, and delivering solutions to the vegetable seed and processing industries in the U.S. and beyond.

More information: The goal of Williams' lab is to develop knowledge, models, and decision tools that ultimately reduce the risk that climate change and weeds pose to food production systems. His lab utilizes an array of experimental approaches at various spatial and temporal scales, all aimed at building resilience in crop management systems. The over-arching objectives of this project are to 1) improve the understanding of the influence of climate variability on crop and weed management outcomes, and 2) explore the integration of new chemical and non-chemical tactics for managing weeds in Midwest grain and/or specialty crops. 

Affiliations: Williams is an ecologist with the of the . Housed on the campus of the Williams is an affiliate professor in the  in the (ACES) at U. of I. 

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2
