
Expert Directory - Behavioral Economics

Showing results 1 – 5 of 5

Darren Hudson, PhD

Professor and Larry Combest Chair

Texas Tech University

Agribusiness, Agriculture, Behavioral Economics, Cotton, Economics, Trade

Darren Hudson is a professor and the Larry Combest Endowed Chair for Agricultural Competitiveness and Director of the International Center for Agricultural Competitiveness and the Cotton Economics Research Institute at Texas Tech University since 2008. Hudson’s research interests include agricultural policy and trade, economic development, marketing and consumer demand, and behavioral economics.  He participates in the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute consortium producing annual baseline projections for cotton for the group. Hudson is a past-President of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association an also is a member of the American Agricultural Economics Association. Hudson earned his bachelor's degree in Agribusiness from West Texas A&M University and his master's and doctoral degrees in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Texas Tech University.  

Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Science, causal inference, Economics, Environmental Policy, Johns Hopkins

Paul J. Ferraro, PhD, is the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Business and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Ferraro has a joint faculty appointment in the Whiting School of Engineering and the Carey Business School. His research focuses on behavioral economics and the design and evaluation of environmental programs in the private and public sectors. Because these research areas are multi-disciplinary and applied, he collaborates with scientists and engineers from a variety of social, natural and physical science disciplines, as well as practitioners in the field.

Olga Shurchkov, PhD

Associate Professor of Economics; Director, Knapp Social Science Center

Wellesley College

Behavioral Economics, Economics, Gender Differences

My research interests span two areas within behavioral economics, unified by a common theme of the use of experimental methodology as the means to investigate the mechanisms underlying observed behavior. 

The first area focuses on uncovering and explaining differences in economic outcomes according to individual characteristics, such as gender and appearance. For example, I have studied gender differences in performance under competition and time pressure, appearance-based discrimination, and gender differences in leadership productivity.  The second area focuses broadly on the importance of information and belief formation in various economic environments. Finally, I am also interested in the effects of institutions and culture on economic decision-making and economic outcomes. Recent professional activities include presentations at the American Economic Association conference.

At Wellesley College, I teach introductory and intermediate macroeconomics, as well as a seminar on behavioral and experimental economics.  As a visiting professor at Columbia Business School, I have also taught Global Economic Environment: Business Cycles and Financial Markets. My objective in teaching macroeconomics is to provide the students with the tools necessary for understanding the policy issues and for engaging in meaningful discussions of current economic events. Behavioral and experimental economics is a course I designed to introduce students to the many ways in which economic and psychological factors jointly influence behavior. 

As a 5th-degree black belt, I enjoy practicing and teaching Taekwon-Do.

Gaurav Jain, PhD

Assistant Professor, Lally School of Management

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Behavioral Economics, behavioral finance, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, new product development, Pricing Strategy

Gaurav Jain, an assistant professor of marketing at the Rensselaer Lally School of Management, examines how individuals make judgments, estimates, and decisions in the absence of complete information. Prior to earning his Ph.D. from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa, Gaurav earned his bachelor’s degree in engineering and an MBA in marketing. More specifically, his research spans the fields of numerical cognition and judgment, working memory capacity, and, attention limitations. Using psycho-physical methods, such as eye tracking and facial expression analysis, Gaurav makes novel predictions about how various cognitive biases influence consumer choices.

Analytics, Behavioral Economics, Emerging Markets, Marketing Strategy, online marketing, Pricing, Technological Entrepreneurship

Bobby Zhou’s research focuses on competitive marketing strategies, in particular, pricing and promotion. He uses both analytical models as well as experimental approaches in his research. His work has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Management Science. He has presented papers at the INFORMS Marketing Science conference, INFORMS POMS conference, UT Dallas FORMS conference, Summer Institute in Competitive Strategy (SICS) at UC Berkeley, DC IO Day, among others. He teaches Marketing Research Methods in the undergraduate programs, Pricing at the MBA/MS programs, and Analytical Models in Marketing in the PhD programs. He also serves on the editorial board of Decision Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, and Marketing Science.

Showing results 1 – 5 of 5
