
Expert Directory - Genomics

Showing results 1 – 20 of 23

Carl Morrison, MD

Executive Director of the Center for Personalized

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Cancer, Cancer Genetics, Genomics, Medical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics, molecular pathology, Personalized Medicine

Dr. Carl D. Morrison joined the faculty of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in January 2007, and is currently the Senior Vice President of Scientific Development and Integrative Medicine; Director of the Pathology Resource Network; Clinical Chief, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Director, Division of Molecular Pathology, and Professor of Oncology. Prior to coming to Roswell Park, Dr. Morrison spent five years as faculty at The Ohio State University Medical Center after completing his residency there in Anatomic Pathology. Dr. Morrison is a board-certified pathologist with a Certificate of Qualification in Oncology in NYS who has an interest in both clinical and research areas. As Senior Vice President of Scientific Development and Integrative Medicine, Dr. Morrison supports the development of new core capabilities and technology platforms in order to conduct highly integrative research across both the basic sciences and clinical care. Dr. Morrison continues to lead the Pathology Resource Network (PRN) at Roswell Park. The overall goal of the PRN is to facilitate access to human biospecimens for IRB-approved investigators with an emphasis on translational efforts. The services offered are quite diverse and serve a unique link between the research and clinical arena. Dr. Morrison started and previously directed the Clinical Data Network (CDN) at Roswell Park. The CDN is the organization of clinical data for research purposes utilizing a federated database approach. The primary goal of the CDN is the promotion of translational research at Roswell Park in a non-human subject research setting.

clinical decision support tools, DNA, Epigenetics, Genomics, personalized medicine, Population Genomics, Precision Medicine, Stem Cells, Translational Science

Jeffrey Shaman, PhD, MS, is the Chief Science Officer at Coriell Life Sciences where he oversees the company’s research, education, and clinical programs and leads efforts focused on bridging the gap between genetic science and clinical application.  Dr. Shaman brings years of experience in advising cross-functional teams together with his scholarship in genetics, pharmacology, stem cells, and clinical laboratory operations.  Along with the CEO, he forges strategic partnerships with worldwide companies, laboratories, academic institutions, public/private self-insured companies, and federal, state, and regional healthcare and employee systems.

Dr. Shaman supports a team of scientists dedicated to precision medicine and who actively research, publish, and present findings in top-tier peer-reviewed journals. He is passionate about educating people from all backgrounds about the power of genetics and pharmacogenomic testing that is integrated with patient health history and clinical decision-support to proactively promote better health.

Dr. Shaman holds a doctoral degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, where his research centered on DNA, epigenetics, and nuclear structure and function. He earned his Master of Science degree from The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Cell & Developmental Biology.  Dr. Shaman held a faculty position at the University of Hawai‘i Institute of Biogenesis Research before serving a fellowship at Harvard Medical School and implementing a translational research program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Bedford Stem Cell Research Foundation.

Astrobiology, Genomics, International Collaboration, Microbial Ecology, Systematics

Dr. Brian Hedlund holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Illinois, a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Washington, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Regensburg, Germany. Hedlund was hired at UNLV in 2003 and is currently the Greg Fullmer Endowed Professor of Life Sciences. Hedlund has published over 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications and has been a principal investigator on more than $6 million in extramural grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health, and National Science Foundation, including a CAREER award and a large international project funded through the Partnerships for International Science and Education (PIRE) program.

Hedlund's research focuses on the microbiology and biogeochemistry of geothermal ecosystems, the genomic exploration of "microbial dark matter", and the role of the intestinal microbiome in prevention of Clostridium difficile infection. Dr. Hedlund is editor for Antonie van Leeuwenhoek journal, a member of Bergey's Manual Trust, and editor for Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, the authoritative reference manual for microbial taxonomy. Dr. Hedlund regularly serves on grant panel review boards both domestically and internationally and has taught more than 2,500 students at UNLV.

As a Research Division Faculty Fellow in the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Hedlund is engaged in several projects to support and stimulate research productivity on campus. 

My research focuses on the ecology of life in high temperature habitats, particularly terrestrial hot springs. The study of high-temperature ecosystems (>73°C) is a major research frontier because temperature alters the ecology of these systems in ways that are profoundly important but poorly understood and because some springs are hot spots for novel, uncultivated organisms, so-called biological dark matter.

To work toward a comprehensive understanding of how individual microorganisms operate as parts of high temperature ecosystems, our group employs an integrated approach to microbial ecology, including thermodynamic modeling, spaciotemporal measurements of chemical species of interest in natural samples and microcosms, microbial cultivation and systematics, and genomics. This research will allow us to better understand the foundations of life in hot springs and expand our knowledge of the diversity of life on Earth.

Although much of our research focuses on hot springs of the U.S. Great Basin, we have recently expanded our work to other locations, particularly the Tengchong geothermal region of Yunnan Province in Southwest China. This work is part of the Tengchong PIRE project, which is a large international project funded by the National Science Foundation Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program. Goals of the PIRE project are to determine how geographic location and geological setting influence microbial community structure and function and to integrate complex datasets through international cooperation.

Donald MacKenzie, PhD

Director, Institute for International Crop Improvement

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Agriculture, crop improvement, Genomics

With a natural inclination toward math and science in school, Don studied biochemistry at the University of British Columbia, eventually completing a PhD. Since 2018, Don has been the executive director of the Institute for International Crop Improvement (IICI) at the Danforth Center. He manages the IICI’s programs and partnerships dedicated to translating key discoveries in plant health, disease and pest management, genomics, advanced breeding and nutrition to new solutions for food quality and availability around the globe.

Don’s team also provides guidance on navigating through the practical, safety, and regulatory processes necessary to demonstrate that new crop varieties are proven safe and effective for the farmers who will benefit from them.

Don is an international expert in regulatory systems for agriculture, including environmental risk assessment, biosafety, and food safety assessments. His extensive experience in plant product development and global regulatory processes aligns with the Institute’s commitment to collaborate with international and local partner organizations to deliver crops with improved nutritional content and disease resistance to places where people are in most need. In addition to feeding the hungry, these efforts have the potential to contribute to environmental health and empower farmers to become more self-sufficient.

Under Don’s leadership, the IICI is establishing public-private partnerships to address cross-cutting issues related to environmental and food safety assessment, quality standards, consensus-building, regulatory policy advocacy, and the practical implementation of stewardship best practices for new technologies.

Toni Kutchan, PhD

Member, Oliver M. Langenberg Distinguished Investigator, VP for Research

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Data Science, Genomics, Phenomics, Synthetic Biology

Toni Kutchan serves a vice president for research and is the Oliver M. Langenberg Distinguished Investigator at the Danforth Center where she is investigating two aspects of natural products that are found in plants; how plants produce medicinal natural products at the enzyme and gene level, which could lead to new sources of medications for use against conditions such as dementia and cancer; and the use of plant natural products as components of biofuels.

She is a leading expert in the molecules derived from the opium poppy, including the lifesaving opioid antidote medications. “Production of these drugs creates an industrial waste stream. It’s not good for the people working in the lab, and it creates a nasty waste pond. We have recently discovered a microorganism that can manufacture opiates in a cleaner, more sustainable way. Now we’re looking for industrial partners who can help us transform this lab work into an industry process.â€

As a recipient of federal research grants, the Danforth Center is prohibited from working on medical cannabis. However, Missouri recently legalized the production of industrial hemp, a crop which was king in Missouri in the late 1800s and which produces high-quality fiber useful in many products, such as textiles, rope, paper, and cosmetics. The Danforth Center and the Kutchan Lab are already forming partnerships. “With the cutting-edge technology and infrastructure at the Danforth Center, we can accelerate the breeding and help reestablish this useful cash crop in the state of Missouri. Hemp has been illegal for 100 years. We are now attempting to go from zero to introducing a modern crop.â€
Prior to joining the Center in 2006, she spent 20 years researching biochemistry at the University of Munich and the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biology.  In recognition of her scientific achievements, Toni was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2017 and the prestigious German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) in 2010. She received her doctorate in biochemistry from Saint Louis University and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Toni credits training the next generation of scientists as a very rewarding part of her work at the Danforth Center and adds: “Training the up-and-coming generations is so important, making sure they have broad interests and perspective. Together, we can make the world a better place, safer, more sustainable. By unlocking the secrets of plants, we will make peoples’ lives better—and that’s a good feeling.â€

Kirk Czymmek, PhD

Director, Advanced Bioimaging Laboratory

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Biotic, Data Science, Genomics, Phenomics, Synthetic Biology

Kirk is an internationally renowned expert in bioimaging with 30 years’ experience and over 100 publications. He is proud of his role in discovering a new imaging approach to follow subcellular calcium signaling in filamentous fungi—a world first. His research today focuses on small microbes that cause disease in both humans and plants. And he is dedicated to his role at the Danforth Center, partnering with numerous colleagues to help advance their research as well.
In 2019, Kirk joined the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center as a principal investigator and director of the Advanced Bioimaging Laboratory Facility, to leverage advanced microscopy tools in plant science dedicated to producing more nutritious food and improving the environment. With over 30 years of advanced microscopy experience, Dr. Czymmek has expertise in most forms of light, X-ray, and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, single-molecule imaging, superresolution microscopy, cryotechniques, and correlative microscopy. His work on developing and applying cutting-edge microscopy tools for imaging cells, tissues, and biomaterials has generated over 95 refereed publications.

Prior to joining the Danforth Center, Kirk served as Vice President of Global ZEISS Microscopy Customer Centers and oversight of eight customer centers and their teams worldwide. He joined the company in 2012 to build a world-class application, demonstration, and training center for the ZEISS microscopy portfolio for North America. From 2000 to 2012 he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Delaware (UD) where he worked to build an imaging capacity that led in 2001 to the creation of the UD Bio-Imaging Center at the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, where he served as Director.

Kirk received his doctorate in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Michigan State University in 1993 followed by a post-doctoral position at the DuPont Company in CR&D Plant Molecular Genetics group. Subsequently, he worked with Noran Instruments in the confocal business group as an applications scientist before joining the University of Delaware.  He has received many awards and honors for his achievements in the field.

Computational Biology, Computer Vision, Genomics, Machine Learning

Like many scientists, invested teachers became powerful mentors in Noah’s life, and helped define his career. As an undergraduate student, he started working in the lab of Dr. Jim Carrington at Oregon State University. “Before I started working in the lab, I hadn’t thought about working with plants. I became really interested in the research they were doing in the Carrington Lab, so I decided to go to graduate school and work in the lab as a PhD student,†explains Noah.

At the same time, Noah began pursuing a career in plant science, a new technology was emerging in the scientific community: high-throughput DNA sequencing. “We went from sequencing a few hundred DNA molecules at a time to doing millions at a time.†A year into grad school, the lab was collecting so much data that he began learning how to program and do data analysis with a computer. “I shifted pretty hard away from lab work at that point.†He hasn’t looked back since.

Today, Noah leads the Data Science Facility. His team builds computational tools that help other scientists solve big data problems. These custom tools could be anything from an algorithm, to a program, to the infrastructure that houses a particular suite of software tools. “A lot of times in science, you can’t just ask a question and use a tool that comes out of the box,†says Noah. As a result, he has made it his team’s mission to be a collaborative hub at the Danforth Center that creates tools that help bridge different areas of expertise.

Data Science, Evolution, Genomics

Sona’s lab is interested in understanding how plants sense changes in their environment, like light, temperature, humidity and even microbes. As humans, we can sense that it is too cold outside and walk indoors where it is more comfortable. Plants don’t have that ability, so they have to modify what they are going to do within the environment. “The question my lab is asking is how are plants sensing a change in their surroundings and then what are some of the first changes that take place to respond?” To do this, Sona’s lab specifically looks at the proteins involved in sensing environmental changes, called G proteins. Her lab studies the signaling mechanisms of G proteins , and how that ultimately affects plant growth and development. As our environment changes and the population continues to grow, Sona’s work is becoming even more critical to feeding the world. In order to understand how a plant responds to changing environmental conditions like high temperatures, drought, or low nutrient availability, we need to know what is happening within the plant. Once we understand that, then we can improve the plants to be able to respond better to stress. In the future, this could mean that we may be able to grow crops in conditions that were previously uninhabitable. Not only could Sona’s research help plants respond to stress, it could also result in improved yield under normal conditions. “Our goal will always be to make plants survive better with lower inputs and under stressful conditions, while still maintaining or improving yield,” explains Sona.

biomolecular engineering, Genomics, Human Genome

Karen Elizabeth Hayden Miga is an American genomics expert who leads the Telomere-to-Telomore (T2T) consortium that seeks to fully complete the assembly of the human genome. She serves as an Assistant Professor in the Biomolecular Engineering Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz and is Associate Director at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute. She was named as "One to Watch" in the 2020 Nature's 10.

In 2012, Miga joined the laboratory of David Haussler at the University of California, Santa Cruz. At UCSC she combined computational and experimental approaches. There she leads the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) consortium, a community based effort that seeks to fully sequence and assemble the human genome. Her research efforts make use of long-read sequencing strategies. She makes use of the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION sequencer, which analyses DNA by detecting changes in current flow when DNA passes through nanopores in a membrane.

Miga leads the Human Pangenome Production Center that seeks to contribute to the next human pangenome reference map through the creation of 350 T2T diploid genomes. This map will support the development of personalised therapeutics. In 2020 Miga was named as "One to Watch" in the 2020 Nature's 10.

Daniel Grimes, PhD

Assistant Professor, Biology

University of Oregon

Embryonic Development, Genetics, Genomics, left-right asymmetry

Daniel Grimes uses genetic, genomic, and imaging procedures to study how symmetries are broken and maintained during embryonic development and growth, and to understand how they contribute to human diseases, including birth defects and scoliosis. He received an NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award in 2022. A member of the UO faculty since 2019, Grimes received his master’s degree in molecular and cellular biochemistry with honors, and his PhD in developmental genetics, from the University of Oxford.

Autoimmunity, Biology, Cancer, Cellular Biology, Children's Health, Genomics, Health, Immune System, Immunology, Inflammation, Innate Immune System, Monocytes, Women's Health

LJI Associate Professor Sonia Sharma, Ph.D., is an expert in using unbiased, genome-scale approaches to unravel innate immunity, the body’s early immune response to microbial pathogens and neoplastic cells. Innate immunity has also been implicated as a common causal factor in many inflammatory, allergic and autoimmune diseases. Dr. Sharma integrates cutting-edge genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, computational and translational approaches to define the key genetic mechanisms regulating cellular innate immunity and determine how they impact human health and disease.

Dr. Sharma has an outstanding record of research accomplishments, including high impact discoveries published in top scientific journals. Her work has made her an internationally recognized expert in the use of high throughput, genome scale approaches, in particular RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9, to dissect complex cellular signaling pathways and questions of immunological relevance. Her use of these technologies is a powerful tool that can be applied to any cellular pathway or disease process.

Dr. Sharma also directs the La Jolla Institute for Immunology's Sex-Based Differences in the Immune System Initiative, which aims to shed light on why many diseases affect men and women differently.

Antibodies, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Data Science, genomic analysis, Genomics, Health, Immune System, Immunology, Infectious Disease, Medicine

Dr. Tal Einav’s accomplishments included the development of sophisticated computational methods to understand viral behavior and predict how individuals react to vaccination or infection. This research earned Einav a prestigious Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Fellowship and emphasized the importance of pursuing machine learning to analyze big data in immunology.

“We have these tremendous datasets that we’re just barely tapping into,” says Einav. These data allow Einav to understand the immune response in different contexts, from the young to the elderly, from healthy people to individuals who are immunocompromised. All with the goal to discover key patterns that let us understand and harness our immunity. Einav’s work has already demonstrated that blending biophysics and computer science enables researchers to predict the antibody response against new viral variants.

This work paves the way for a fundamentally new form of personalized medicine. For example, Einav imagines tailoring an individualized vaccine strain or dosage based on a patient’s specific antibody repertoire to create a stronger response that lasts for years, if not their entire life.

Bioenergy, Bioinformatics, CRISPR, Crop Sciences, Genetics, Genomics, Soybean, Soybean Cyst Nematode

uses supercomputing and DNA sequencing to solve problems in plant, animal, and human genetics. His current research focuses on how crops are bred and on ways to treat and prevent plant, animal, and human diseases. He is particularly interested in the genetics of crop traits and the genetic and molecular interactions of soybeans with pathogens, pests, and other organisms.

More information: Hudson's research interests center on the use of high-performance computational techniques to pursue questions in genomic biology. His research program focuses on the genomic variants that control trait variation in plants, nonhuman animals and human populations, funded by grants from the NSF, DOE, and USDA as well as private companies, foundations, and commodity boards. He teaches award-winning classes at Illinois on the interface between biology and computing.

Affiliations: Hudson is a professor in the , part of the  (ACES) at U. of I. He is also co-director of the , science integration chair for the  (CABBI), and faculty affiliate at the .

Animal Agriculture, Cloning, Developmental Biology, Food Security, Genomics, Human Health, regenerative biology, Stem Cells

is a tireless advocate for using embryo technologies to improve genetics of livestock and reduce food insecurity throughout the world. He is advancing technology in both livestock production and human medicine through his research on embryo/developmental biology, stem cells, cloning, transgenic livestock, reproduction, genomics, and regenerative biology.

More information: Wheeler's research activities can be divided into six areas of research. Generally, the work can be described as large animal reproductive physiology with an emphasis on 1) production of transgenic livestock, particularly swine and cattle, with improved production characteristics; 2) molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in embryonic cell development/differentiation and early embryonic gene expression; 3) genetic evaluation, molecular gene mapping in livestock, early embryonic genotype evaluation; 4) development of remote sensing and microfludic handling methods for mammalian embryos; 5) the use of stem cells (adult and embryonic) for tissue engineering and cell-base therapies; and 6) the use assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, embryo culture, non-invasive embryo evaluation and embryo transfer) to improve livestock and food production. His team's long term goals are to 1) identify genes that regulate reproduction, lactation and growth; 2) develop methodologies in embryos to edit, transfer and utilize these genes for the genetic improvement of livestock; and 3) devise strategies for using stem cells for cell and tissue replacement.

Affiliations: Wheeler is a professor in the in the (ACES) at the . He is also affiliated with the  and the at Illinois.


Sajid Khan, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery (Oncology); Section Chief, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) and Mixed Tumors; Co-Director of Team Science, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI)

Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancers, Genomics, Surgical Oncology

Sajid Khan, MD is an Associate Professor of Surgery (Oncology), Section Chief of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary & Mixed Tumors at Yale School of Medicine, and Co-Director of Team Science at Yale Center for Clinical Investigation. Dr. Khan is nationally recognized for superb clinical care and excellence in cancer research. He earned his medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY and is Board Certified in both Complex General Surgical Oncology and General Surgery. He completed general surgery training at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR and Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore in Bronx, NY. He also completed a research fellowship in surgical oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, NY and a clinical and research fellowship in surgical oncology at University of Chicago Medical Center in Chicago, IL. . Dr. Khan is dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by his busy surgical practice, federally funded research, leadership by example, and kindness.

Dr. Khan's surgical oncology practice specializes in patients with tumors of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder, stomach, and colon. Additionally he treats individuals diagnosed with melanoma, sarcoma, neuroendocrine tumors, and pancreatic cysts. His commitment to his patients and their families incorporates a multidisciplinary team approach, excellent communication, and state of the art minimally invasive surgery to provide an exceptional patient experience. Nationally, he has been named Top Doctors in American by Castle Connolly and consistently ranks in the top 1 percentile rank for patient satisfaction.

Dr. Khan is a federally funded, well published, surgeon-scientist who uses modern molecular biology (focused on metabolomics and transcriptomics) to improve our understanding and treatment of patients with gastrointestinal cancers. His gastrointestinal surgical oncology focused research has been consistently funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute and incorporates principles of team science. The Khan Lab performs translational scientific research studying cancer metastasis and differences in tumor biology based on race/ethnicity and sex. Using molecular and clinical markers, the Khan Lab studies the scientific underpinnings of liver metastasis and identifies cancer patients who may benefit from liver surgery. In addition, his lab studies the relationship of tumor metabolites and RNA expression with race/ethnicity and sex. He also performs clinical outcomes research for all types of gastrointestinal cancers. His lab's research is regularly presented at national and international scientific meetings, published in prestigious scientific journals, and featured in national media outlets.

Dr. Khan is Chair of the Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Research Committee, on the Editorial Board for the Annals of Surgical Oncology, and Institutional Representative for the Society of University Surgeons (SUS). He is an active member of the Society of Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO), Society of University Surgeons (SUS), National Comprehensive Cancer Center (NCCN), American College of Surgeons (ACS), Association for Academic Surgery (AAS), Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI), Yale Cancer Center, and Yale School of Medicine Admissions Committee.

Corn breeding, Crop Sciences, Genomics, Photosynthesis, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Popcorn, science curriculum, water use efficiency

improves the efficiency and productivity of cereal crops by optimizing photosynthesis and water use. His research helps develop crops that are resilient to climate change and meet the needs of growers at the regional, national, and international levels.

More information: Studer's lab studies the evolution, regulation, and function of the carbon concentrating mechanism employed by plants for C4 photosynthesis. This process plays an important role in carbon dioxide uptake and transpirational water loss, and thus, has direct implications for photosynthetic and water-use efficiency. Elucidating the genetic control of photosynthesis will enable the manipulation of crops (through both breeding and engineering) to improve productivity and sustainability, which will be vital for food and fuel security in a changing environment.

Affiliations: Studer is an associate professor in the in the (ACES) at the . He is also affiliated with the  the  (CABBI), the , and the at U. of I.

Lajos Pusztai, DPhil

Professor of Medicine at Yale University

Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

ASCO 2024, Biomedical Informatics, Breast Cancer, Computational Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology

Lajos Pusztai, MD, DPhil, is a medical oncologist who specializes in breast cancer. He is the co-director of the Genomics, Genetics, and Epigenetics Program at the Yale Cancer Center.

He says he enjoys the delicate work of helping patients overcome the fear and shock of a breast cancer diagnosis. “I ensure that they maximize their chance of cure through the best available treatments,” he says. “I also love the research component of my job, to push the boundaries of existing knowledge and developing new therapies.”

Dr. Pusztai says he gravitated to medical oncology at the beginning of his career because of an inspiring mentor, and that the best part of his job is seeing patients remain disease-free for years and continuing with their life.

He is chair of the Breast Cancer Research Committee of the South West Oncology Group (SWOG), a global cancer research community that designs and conducts publicly funded clinical trials. His research group has made important contributions to establish that estrogen receptor-positive and-negative breast cancers have fundamentally different molecular, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics.

He has been a pioneer in evaluating gene expression profiling as a diagnostic technology to predict chemotherapy and endocrine therapy sensitivity and has shown that different biological processes are involved in determining the prognosis and treatment response in different breast cancer subtypes. Dr. Pusztai is also the principal investigator of several clinical trials investigating new drugs, including immunotherapies for breast cancer.

Priya Jayachandran, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

Keck Medicine of USC

ASCO 2024, Colorectal Cancer, Genomics, Hematology, Medical Oncology

Dr. Jayachandran specializes in Breast Medical Oncology. She is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Keck and also serves as the Director of Breast Medical Oncology and Genomics at the LAC+USC Medical Center. She graduated from Stanford University and the University of Michigan Medical School before completing her residency in Internal Medicine at UCSF Fresno and fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at USC. She is active in research with a focus on clinical trials, translational studies, biomarkers, and improving access to care. She enjoys teaching fellows, residents, and medical students.

Daniel King, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Institute of Cancer Research, Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research


Biology, Clinical Trials, Genomics, In Vitro, In Vivo, Medicine, Oncology, Pancreas Cancer, Research, Tumor

Daniel King, MD, PhD, is a former Howard Hughes research scholar at the National Institutes of Health and trained in genomics and bioinformatics at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where he developed software tools to perform mosaic copy number detection. During his time at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, he spearheaded copy number analysis for 36,000 exome samples in the Deciphering Developmental Disorder Rare Disease project. The results from this work characterized unprecedented detail in the landscape and architecture of developmental disorders, was published in Nature and Lancet, and led to several first author publications.

Following medical and graduate school, Dr. King pursued a medical oncology fellowship under the ABIM Research Track pathway at Stanford University. A core focus of his fellowship research involved circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which included the computational design of a ctDNA detection panel for pancreas cancer and laboratory validation. This work extended to fragmentomics—a computational analysis of circulating DNA fragment ends as a biomarker of cancer for early detection. From here, Dr. King created a large biobank of pancreas cancer specimens consisting of nearly 500 clinical blood samples from approximately 250 patients. He went on to link this biobank with a large clinical research database built in pancreatic cancer to mine and associate clinical data with translational correlates.

Genomics, Science, Technology

HRH Princess Dr. Al Saud’s distinguished career includes roles at the King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST), both as Director of the Saudi National Center for Genomics Technology, and as Director of the Saudi National Pre-Marital Screening Program. She also served as a scientist at the King Faisal Specialized Hospital and Research Center, where she carried out a range of research projects focusing on population genetics.

HRH Princess Dr. Al Saud has served as a member of the National Biotech Strategy Advisory Committee at the Strategic Management Office, and as a member of the National Nutrition Committee at the Saudi Food & Drug Authority, as well as being a past and present member of a number of other notable national and international committees. These include serving as a member of the Project Oversight Executive team for the Saudi Genome Project 2.0 at KACST; the S20 Future of Health Taskforce at the G20 Summit; and a committee member for the Princess Noura Award for Women’s Excellence.

HRH Princess Dr. Al Saud holds a PhD in Genomics of Common Diseases from Imperial College London and a Master’s degree in Genetics and Toxicology from McGill University, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from King Saud University, Riyadh.

Showing results 1 – 20 of 23
