
Expert Directory - Childhood Obesity

Showing results 1 – 5 of 5

Silvia Costa, PhD

Lecturer in Physical Activity and Public Health

Loughborough University

Childhood Obesity, Early Childhood, Physical Activity, Public Health

With an emphasis in early childhood, Silvia’s research spans from the measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, to the influence of such behaviours for children’s healthy growth and development, and how policies and practices within environments that young children are exposed to can influence their health and health-related behaviours (such as physical activity and diet).

Childhood Obesity, Infant Feeding, Parenting, Psychology, sedentary behaviour, Young Mothers

Emma's research focuses on parent-child interactions in the context of feeding, eating and mealtimes. Topics she can talk about include: children's eating behaviours; fathers' roles in child feeding; parents' feeding practices and behaviours; childhood obesity; peer influences on eating behaviours; eating and exercise in children and adolescents; young mothers' infant feeding decisions; parenting styles and practices; and mental health and parenting practices.

Childhood Obesity

Eating behaviour, Children’s Eating, Child Feeding, Infant Feeding, Childhood Obesity, Food Poverty

Clare’s research spans from children’s eating behaviour, and the influences of caregivers on children’s eating, to methods of altering children’s diet and eating behaviour as well as the impact of food poverty on children’s health and wellbeing.

Air Pollution, Birthweight, Childhood Obesity, Environmental Epidemiology

Dr. Martenies is an assistant professor in the department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois. Her research is focused on the independent and joint effects of ambient and pollution and neighborhood-level exposures on childhood health outcomes. In particular, she is interested in studying prenatal and early-life exposures to traffic emissions, features of the build environment, and social determinants like poverty influence birth weight, childhood obesity, and other indicators of long-term health risk. She received her PhD in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Michigan in 2017. She also holds anMPH in Environmental Health Science and Policy from the George Washington University.

Erin Hennessy, PhD, MPH

Director of ChildObesity180, Assistant Professor

Tufts University

Childhood Obesity, community-based interventions, Food Policy

Erin Hennessy is Director of ChildObesity180 and Assistant Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. Dr. Hennessy has focused her career on helping all children eat better, move more and achieve a healthy weight with a particular emphasis on helping those most in need. Her work addresses modifiable risk factors across levels of influence including the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community and public policy.

Dr. Hennessy currently leads an active research portfolio including an $8.5 million award to test and evaluate the use of telehealth innovations in delivery of USDA’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); and, co-leads a $1.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, in collaboration with the New York Road Runners organization, to create and implement a multilevel intervention to support children’s physical literacy at school and home. She is also the PI of several pilot studies focused on nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention in early childhood.

Showing results 1 – 5 of 5
