
Expert Directory - Econometrics

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Ernie Goss, PhD

Director of the Institute for Economic Inquiry

Creighton University

american economy, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, midwest economy, Regional Economics

Ernest Goss is the Jack MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics at Creighton University and served as the initial director for Creighton’s Institute for Economic Inquiry. He is also principal of the Goss Institute in Denver, Colo. Goss received his Ph.D. in economics from The University of Tennessee in 1983 and is a former faculty research fellow at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. He was a visiting scholar with the Congressional Budget Office for 2003-2004, and has testified before the U.S. Congress, the Kansas Legislature, and the Nebraska Legislature. In the fall of 2005, the Nebraska Attorney General appointed Goss to head a task force examining gasoline pricing in the state.

Banking, behavior analysis, Econometrics, Economics, Lending, Management Science, Marketing, Nursing Home, peer-to-peer, Prescription Drug Cost, video game industry

Andrew Ching is a professor in the Carey Business School at the Johns Hopkins University, where he is jointly appointed to the Department of Economics and the Bloomberg School of Public Health.  He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Management Science, and a member of editorial boards for Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing Research.  His research focuses on developing new empirical structural models and estimation methods to understand the forward-looking, strategic, learning and bounded rational behavior of consumers and firms.  He has applied these methods to several industries including prescription drugs, nursing homes, payment methods, retail banking, peer-to-peer lending, and video games. He has published in Econometrica, Mangement Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and others. He has received Young Economist Award from the European Economic Association, Honorable Mention of Dick Wittink Prize Award, and several major research grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada.

Econometrics, Economics, Health Economics

Professor Kajal Lahiri’s interests include Econometrics, Forecasting, and Economics of Health. They have been supported by National Science Foundation, the World Bank, NY State Division of BudgSet, International Monetary Fund, Social Security Administration, US Department of Transportation, and the National Institutes of Health.

Lahiri teaches economic statistics, forecasting, econometrics, and applied econometrics.

Fields of Interest: Econometrics, Health Economics

Agricultural Economics, agricultural policy, Brazil, Brazil economy, Deforestation, Econometrics, Water Quality

 is an economist at the nexus of agriculture and the environment. She studies crop and livestock production in the U.S. and the Brazilian Amazon from many angles, including water pollution, deforestation, intensification, and climate change. She combines rigorous economic analysis and extensive field research to thoughtfully address complex challenges.

More information: Dr. Skidmore is an applied economist studying the interaction between policy, agriculture, and the environment. Her research focuses on how market-based and public agricultural policy in the United States and the Brazilian Amazon influence farmer behavior. She uses this lens to study indirect policy effects on the environment, including deforestation, GHG emissions, and water quality. She approaches these questions by combining econometric methods, big data, extensive field work, and collaboration with interdisciplinary partners in the U.S. and Brazil. She earned a master's at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Please see Dr. Skidmore's . 

Affiliations: Dr. Skidmore is an assistant professor in the in the  (ACES) at the . 

Showing results 1 – 4 of 4
