
Expert Directory - Human geography

Showing results 1 – 4 of 4

Aija Lulle, PhD

Lecturer in human geography

Loughborough University

Human geography

Post-socialist migration, youth migration in Europe, young Europeans in the UK, family migration and ageing, Brexit and migration.
Research includes the geographies and spatialities of children, youth, family and ageing; framed by the overall question: How can people create better lives for themselves and their families through migration and mobility?

Andrew Beer, PhD

Executive Dean of Business

University of South Australia

applied economics, Human geography, Sociology, Urban And Regional Planning

Andrew Beer is the Executive Dean of the UniSA Business School. He is also a leading researcher across a range of areas including Australia’s housing market, the drivers of growth and change in regions, the processes of industry adjustment and the performance of non-metropolitan housing markets. He is a Fellow of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences and has worked closely with a number industry partners over many years. Andrew is a foremost expert in the outcomes associated with the closure of Australia’s car industry: working on the closure of the Mitsubishi plant at Lonsdale in the early 2000s, and then leading a project examining industry shutdown from 2017. Other significant projects he has led include a study into the drivers of growth in Australia’s smaller cities, the impact of Covid-19 induced disruption in regional housing markets in Australia, how to better govern and deliver place-based programs, the impact of cold housing on health and how to transition regional economies away towards a post-coal mining future.  

Andrew’s research partners have included local governments, the OECD, the Australian Government, the South Australian Government, the Victorian Government, social service providers and collaborators from international universities including Tampere University, Finland; The University of Birmingham, UK; George Mason University, USA; Charles University, Czech Republic and the University of Kiel, Germany.

Freya Higgins Desbiolles, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management

University of South Australia

Human geography, Human Rights

Freya is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management employed in UniSA Business.

Before joining the University of South Australia, Freya worked in development, development education and university teaching in international relations. Joining the School of Management of the University of South Australia in 2001 she brought these experiences and knowledges to her work in tourism developing an innovative research agenda.

Freya's  work focuses on human rights and social justice issues in tourism, hospitality and events.  My topical areas of interest include the impacts of tourism, tourism policy and planning, tourism sustainability, Indigenous tourism, politics of tourism and peace through tourism. Geographical areas of interest include Indigenous Australia, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands and the Asia-Pacific region. Recent reseach projects have explored Aboriginal tourism, sustainable cafes, native foods in restaurants and tourism's role in peace and conflict. She is a recipient of a Council of Australiasian University Educators in Tourism and Hospitality Fellows Award for a signficant contribution to hospitality and tourism research and education in 2013.

Freya's teaching philosophy is based on critical pedagogy and she tries to create learning environments that respect students' prior knowledge and experiences and that challenges them (and herself) to think in new ways and "outside of the box". Freya has on a national teaching award from the Australian Teaching and Learning Council in 2009, as well as university and divisional teaching awards. One area of pedagogical expertise is indigenising the curricula in business school contexts.

Her research is focused on projects that deliver new insights into the tourism phenomenon and that advocate a more just and sustainable tourism future.  Her work is engaged and she has formed research partnerships with tourism and hospitality stakeholders.  She particularly tries to work with "host communities" and the NGO sector who seek to shape tourism to their needs and for positive futures. She has conducted engaged research with Aboriginal tourism operators, an events organiser, a cafe owner and sustainability advocate, tourism NGOs, among others. She received a commendation for industry collaboration in 2014 from the UniSA Business School.

Freya  was recognized as an “Awesome Scholar in Tourism” by Women Academics in Tourism, an international group of female tourism academics committed to advancing gender equity in publishing and career advancement.  Awesome Scholars in Tourism represent tourism professors who inspire others “by their contributions, encouragement, creativity, virtues, selflessness, humour, humanity, and even madness.”

Lyrian Daniel, PhD

Associate Professor in Architecture and Enterprise

University of South Australia

Architecture, Building, Human geography, Urban And Regional Planning

Lyrian Daniel is a research-intensive Associate Professor in Architecture and Enterprise Fellow in UniSA Creative. She is Deputy Director of the UniSA AHURI Research Centre. Lyrian holds a Bachelor of Design Studies, Masters of Architecture and PhD in Architecture. 


Doctor of Philosophy the University of Adelaide

Master of Architecture the University of Adelaide

Bachelor of Design Studies the University of Adelaide

Work history
2022 Associate Professor in Architecture, UniSA Creative

2022 Senior Lecturer, Australian Centre for Housing Research, and Department of Geography, Environment and Population, School of Social Sciences, The University of Adelaide

2021 Lecturer, Department of Geography, Environment and Population, and Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, School of Social Sciences, The University of Adelaide

2018-20 Research Fellow, School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Adelaide

2017 Research Fellow, School of Engineering, University of South Australia

2016-17 ARC Research Associate, School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Adelaide

Showing results 1 – 4 of 4
