Alcohol, HIV, Inflamation, metabolic alterations , Muscle, TBI
Patricia E. Molina, MD, PhD, is the Richard Ashman Professor and Head of Physiology, and Director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans’ School of Medicine. Dr. Molina's training as a physician prior to completing training in physiology provides her with a unique systems approach to study the biomedical consequences of chronic heavy alcohol use, with emphasis on the pathophysiological mechanisms that aggravate HIV disease progression. Her research focuses on the interaction of chronic alcohol consumption on progression of HIV disease in preclinical models and in translational studies. Her research involves integrating in vivo with ex vivo approaches to understand the contribution of organ systems to disease pathogenesis. Another area of research interest and ongoing investigations is the interaction of alcohol with outcomes from traumatic brain injury. Her work examines the mechanisms that lead to greater alcohol drinking during the post-injury phase, and the potential role of the endocannabinoid system in modulating those responses. Dr. Molina is interested in translating research findings to the community at large, and in educating the lay public on the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. This is particularly relevant to young students and parents as they make decisions on alcohol drinking throughout their life.
Member - Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
American Physiological Society (APS)Aging, Exercise, Mitochondria, Muscle
It is projected that by 2035, the number of people in the US over the age of 65 years old will be greater than the number of people below 18 years old. This projection illustrates the massive shift in the United States to an aged population. With the aging population comes challenges because of the increase costs and burdens of the diseases that accumulate with age. In our lab, we study the aging process in order to understand how to make people age slower. Our goal is not to make it possible to live 150 years, but rather to extend the period spent free of disease. In other words, rather than increase the lifespan, we aim to increase the healthspan. Of particular interest to our lab is how to maintain muscle, which is important for maintaining independence and a healthy metabolism. In our laboratory we use models that live longer than they should, to understand what gives rise to increased healthspan. We focus on how to maintain proteins in a “young” state so that cells and tissues can continue to function normally and absent of disease. Of particular interest are mitochondria since these cellular organelles seem to be central to the aging process. Our research seeks to determine if we can maintain the quality of proteins in mitochondria to maintain overall health. In a tissue like muscle, it is our hope that maintaining mitochondria will help preserve muscle function with age. Importantly, it is always our goal to take what we learn in our laboratory experiments and translate them into human treatments that improve human healthspan.
Exercise, Muscle, Nutrition
The goal of my laboratory is to understand the molecular determinants of musculoskeletal development and the role of exercise in improving health and performance. To achieve this goal, we work on muscle, tendon, and ligaments from 2- and 3-dimensional tissue culture, in vivo wild type and genetically modified animals, and humans. Of particular interest are: 1) the interplay between nutrition and exercise and the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in the maintenance of muscle mass; 2) the role of the amino acid transceptor LAT1 in the activation of protein synthesis and maintenance of muscle mass; 3) the mechanism of ER stress-induced loss of protein synthesis and how this leads to anabolic resistance in muscle; and 4) the role of growth factors and loading on the activation of the Egr-1 transcription factor and the development and mechanics of ligaments. Our laboratory discovered that mTORC1 was activated by resistance exercise and that this correlates with the degree of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Since then, we have focused on mTORC1 and its regulation by loading and nutrients. We have shown that: 1) mTORC1 is activated directly by load in a growth factor-independent manner; 2) a1-AMPK regulates mTORC1 activity during overload; 3) following a high fat diet the unfolded protein response, through inhibition of PKB, can attenuate mTORC1 activation; and 4) muscle signaling and protein synthesis after exercise are modified by nutritional interventions that are rich in leucine. Our laboratory has also developed a number of 2- and 3-dimensional tissue culture assays that can be used to study the effects of genes and nutrients on muscle, tendon, and ligament function. These studies have a direct clinical application and we work closely with colleagues in orthopedics, internal medicine, and the cancer center to develop resistance exercise, nutritional, and novel small molecule interventions that prevent muscle wasting from cachexia and sarcopenia and improve muscle function and quality of life.
Research Scientist - ‎Brigham Young University
American Physiological Society (APS)Exercise, Muscle
I am currently conducting research aimed at improving our understanding of the regulation of the adenine nucleotide pool (ATP, ADP, AMP) in skeletal muscle and its effects on cellular energetics, muscle atrophy, and adaptive capacity. Publications (17) Increased Adenine Nucleotide Degradation in Skeletal Muscle Atrophy Article Full-text available Dec 2019 Spencer G. Miller Paul Hafen Jeffrey J Brault Adenine nucleotides (AdNs: ATP, ADP, AMP) are essential biological compounds that facilitate many necessary cellular processes by providing chemical energy, mediating intracellular signaling, and regulating protein metabolism and solubilization. A dramatic reduction in total AdNs is observed in atrophic skeletal muscle across numerous disease state... View Accumulation of Skeletal Muscle T Cells and the Repeated Bout Effect in Rats Article Dec 2019 Michael R. Deyhle Meghan Carlisle Jacob Sorensen[...] Robert D Hyldahl Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to characterize skeletal muscle T-cell accumulation following contraction-induced muscle damage, and test the hypothesis that T-cells contribute to post-damage muscle protection (i.e., the repeated bout effect) in a way reminiscent of their role in adaptive immunity. Methods: In vivo lengthening con... View An altered response in macrophage phenotype following damage in aged human skeletal muscle: implications for skeletal muscle repair Article Jun 2019 Jacob Sorensen Jamie P. Kaluhiokalani Paul Hafen[...] Robert D Hyldahl The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that macrophage polarization is altered in old compared to young skeletal muscle, possibly contributing to the poor satellite cell response observed in older muscle tissue. Muscle biopsies were collected prior to and at 3, 24, and 72 h following a muscle-damaging exercise in young and old individ... View Daily heat treatment maintains mitochondrial function and attenuates atrophy in human skeletal muscle subjected to immobilization
Exercise, Muscle
Kim Huey, professor of health sciences and 2017 Troyer Research Fellow in the Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, was recently named a fellow of the American Physiological Society (APS). APS is a global multidisciplinary community of nearly 10,000 scientists and educators solving the major issues affecting life and health. Members are advancing treatment and cures for a wide variety of conditions from heart disease and cancer, to addiction and obesity. The rank of fellow in the American Physiological Society is an elite member status meant to honor prominent leaders who have demonstrated excellence in science, have made significant contributions to physiological sciences and related professions, and have served the Society. Huey has been a student or professional member of the APS for more than 20 years. At Drake, Huey teaches a number of physiology courses to pharmacy and health sciences students while maintaining an active research program that investigates muscle function on both the basic science and applied levels. In a recent research project, Huey led a team of undergraduate students, one of which received an American Physiological Society Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, investigating the effects of statin treatment on muscle function and cardiorespiratory endurance in response to treadmill training in mice with high cholesterol. These experiments have important implications in the design of exercise training programs for individuals undergoing statin treatment. Starting this fall, Huey and two undergraduate students who received research fellowships from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium will study if Vitamin D supplementation improves the muscular and cardiorespiratory adaptations to endurance training or combined endurance and strength training in mice.
Assistant Professor - University of Houston
American Physiological Society (APS)Exercise, Muscle, Nutrition
Research Interests Dr. Markofski's overarching research question is How do exercise and nutrition encourage healthy aging? We know that people who are physically active have a lower risk of chronic diseases and decreased mortality, but what are the mechanisms for this benefit? Dr. Markofski is primarily interested in the contribution of the immune system and skeletal muscle to healthy aging, but acknowledges that these systems are influenced by other physiological processes. Many of the diseases typically associated with aging may not be related to aging per se, but rather an age-associated decrease in physical activity and increase in sedentary time. These changes in physical activity cause numerous changes to physiology, including to the immune system, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle—and cause an increase in the risk for developing chronic diseases. Dr. Markofski approaches her research questions by studying the acute and chronic effects of exercise and nutrition on skeletal muscle and immune function. She is an exercise physiologist with a research agenda in exercise immunology. Her current projects encompass healthy research participants, cancer patients and survivors, and health disparities.
Assistant Professor - University of Delaware
American Physiological Society (APS)Muscle
The primary focus of our lab is developing therapeutics and identifying biomarkers for neuromuscular and neurological pathologies. Specifically on utilization of small, naturally occurring molecules termed extracellular vesicles. Extracellular vesicles are released from most, if not all, cells in the body into the extracellular environment and contain a variety of molecular cargo (RNA, protein, microRNA, etc.). Further, extracellular vesicles deliver molecular cargo to neighboring and distant recipient cells. Our lab reverse engineers extracellular vesicles to contain therapeutic cargo, and then utilize the naturally delivery capabilities of extracellular vesicles to deliver cargo to tissues of interest. Separately, during pathological conditions cells release extracellular vesicles with a unique molecular signature and our lab examines these molecular signatures for identification of potential novel biomarkers. Research Interests: Understanding the role of EVs in physiological and pathological processes Utilizing EVs from circulation and other body fluids as biomarkers of presence of disease, progression of disease, and effectiveness of therapeutics and treatments Engineering EVs for targeted therapeutic delivery
Bone, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Muscle, nerve conduction studies, Orthopedics and Joint Replacement
Nicholas Anastasio, M.D., is a Board Certified physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation at at Mercy in Baltimore, Maryland, and . Dr. Anastasio treats muscle, bone, joint and nerve conditions to maximize function and improve quality of life through non-surgical techniques, such as , platelet-rich plasma (PRP), nerve conduction studies and ultrasound-guided injections. When necessary, Dr. Anastasio works in close collaboration with orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists to optimize care.
Treatment of Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Conditions
Dr. Nicholas Anastasio is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He diagnoses and treats patients with orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions affecting the muscles, bones and joints, as well as nerve-related conditions. Common musculoskeletal conditions include:
Nerve Conduction Studies and Ultrasound Guided Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Anastasio has training and experience in electrodiagnostic testing which measures electrical activity produced by muscles and nerves in your body to determine if you have an injury related to nerve or muscle function. He uses nerve conduction studies, including , to evaluate and diagnose nerve damage, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or in the neck or back.
Additionally, Dr. Anastasio is a Registered Musculoskeletal Sonographer. He utilizes ultrasound guidance to diagnose musculoskeletal conditions such as or hip and knee injuries. Ultrasound guided injections allow him to deliver more accurate injections than traditional procedures by determining exactly where the injection is needed and avoiding otherwise healthy tissue.
Focusing on the Needs of the Whole Patient
Dr. Anastasio’s practice emphasizes an approach to care that focuses on the health needs of the whole patient and getting them back to their desired activity and lifestyle. He has a special interest in the early detection and treatment of , chronic tendon injuries, running injuries, sports injuries, nerve entrapment syndromes and regenerative medicine.
Tailored Care for Runners and Athletes at Every Level
Dr. Anastasio sees patients from adolescence to adulthood, including athletes, weekend warriors, and patients with general overuse conditions and workplace injuries. As a runner himself, Dr. Anastasio has a particular interest in running-related conditions and injuries. He brings extensive training from The Runner’s Clinic within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Virginia. Dr. Anastasio aims to help runners overcome acute and chronic conditions, maximize their health and reach their running goals through orthotic and shoe evaluations, tailored physical therapy prescriptions, and comprehensive running gait analysis.
Collaborating with Mercy Orthopedic Surgeons
Throughout the treatment process and in cases where surgical solutions are appropriate, Dr. Anastasio works in close collaboration with the orthopedic surgeons of , including Mercy’s , , , and .
Education & Fellowships
Associations & Memberships