Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Johns Hopkins University Carey Business SchoolJohns Hopkins, Medical Mistakes, Organization, Organizational Change, Resilience, Risk Management, Uncertainty
Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, PhD, is the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Business and Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Her research explores how organizations and their members cope with uncertainty and unexpected surprises, and how organizations can be designed to be more reliable and resilient. She is currently investigating these issues in healthcare as well as in wild-land firefighting, oil and gas exploration, and other dynamic high-risk industries. Her 2019 book, Still Not Safe: Patient Safety and the Middle-Managing of American Medicine, looks at how the health care industry has responded to medical errors over the last 20 years.
Professor of the Practice & Executive-in-Residence
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of BusinessHousing Policy, Markets, Risk Management
Dr. Clifford Rossi is an Executive-in-Residence and Professor of the Practice at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. Prior to entering academia, Rossi had nearly 25 years’ experience in banking and government, having held senior executive roles in risk management at several of the largest financial services companies. His most recent position was Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer for Citigroup’s Consumer Lending Group where he was responsible for overseeing the risk of a $300+B global portfolio of mortgage, home equity, student loans and auto loans with 700 employees under his direction. While there he was intimately involved in Citi’s TARP and stress test activities. He also served as Chief Credit Officer at Washington Mutual (WaMu) and as Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer at Countrywide Bank. Previous to these assignments, Rossi held senior risk management positions at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He started his career during the thrift crisis at the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Domestic Finance and later at the Office of Thrift Supervision working on key policy issues affecting depositories. Rossi was also an adjunct professor in the Finance Department at the Robert H. Smith School of Business for eight years and has numerous academic and nonacademic articles on banking industry topics. Rossi is frequently quoted on financial policy issues in major newspapers and has appeared on such programs as C-SPAN’s Washington Journal and CNN’s Situation Room. He is currently writing a book, Fundamentals of Risk Management for John Wiley & Sons, Inc. His policy and research interests include GSE reform, housing finance reform , bank capital issues and implications of Dodd-Frank on banking.
Professor of International Affairs
Harrisburg University of Science and TechnologyAlternative Energy, Global Health, Healthcare Systems, International Business, Risk Management, strategic management
Dr. Noorbaksh specializes in several areas, such as international politics, global energy and health, and democratic movements and processes in Middle East politics. Dr. Noorbaksh has published extensively on the Middle East politics, including the Foreign Policy Association, Middle East Policy Journal, and the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. Dr. Noorbaksh’s most recent academic achievements include receiving his master of business administration and master of health administration (MHA) in 2006 from the University of Houston. Previous to these degrees, Dr. Noorbaksh earned his B.S. in electrical engineering at the University of Texas in 1979 and M.A. in political science from the University of Houston in 1986. In 1996, Dr. Noorbaksh earned both his Ph.D. in government studies from the University of Texas at Austin and a position at Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies as a Post-Doctoral Fellow before joining Harrisburg University in 2006. He is currently working on a number of articles on the Middle East and Iran, and a book on the interaction of Islam, nationalism and democratic change in Iran. Research Interests: International management and business, Strategic management, Global organizations,  Healthcare systems and Global health, Energy and alternative sources, Risk management, International relationship issues
Payne H. & Charlotte Hodges Midyette Eminent Scholar in Risk Management & Insurance
Florida State UniversityHurricane, Risk Management
Born researches insurance market structure and performance, professional liability, health insurance and the management of catastrophic risks, such as hurricanes and other natural disasters. She is a past president of the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Risk Theory Society and is editor of Risk Management and Insurance Review.
Robert L. Atkins Associate Professor of Risk Management & Insurance and Research Director of the Center for Risk Management Education & Research
Florida State UniversityClimate Change, Natural Disaster, Risk Management
Director, State Weather Risk Communication Center
University at Albany, State University of New YorkEmergency Management, Risk Management, Tropical Cyclones, weather forecasting
Dr. Bassill received his PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a research focus in ensemble and parameterization studies. Afterward, he worked as a Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Utah, where he studied aspects of Hurricane Sandy’s unusual track (including what led some models to make an incorrect forecast). Afterward he was hired as a Post-Doctoral researcher with the New York State Mesonet to begin building an operational analysis system that would utilize mesonet observations. Concurrently, he is actively involved in building meteorological products for and doing basic research with the New York State Mesonet. Currently, Nick predominantly spends his time working with the Center of Excellence on a variety of projects.
Capital Markets, Finance, Portfolio Management, Risk Management
Fink can speak about portfolio management issues that affect both professional money managers and individuals, as well as the broader field of personal finance.
He received his doctorate and master's in economics from the University of Virginia and his bachelor's from Florida State University.
Associate Professor
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignAgricultural Economics, agricultural policy, conservation policy, Farm Bill, Risk Management, SNAP benefits
' experience in federal policymaking guides his research, extension, and teaching in agricultural policy and law. His work connects the history of federal agricultural policy development to current policy development, specifically applied to risk management, and natural resource conservation.
More information: Coppess is the author of . He is also a frequent contributor to the project, which provides analysis, tools, and data to help Cornbelt farmers make better decisions. Prior to joining the University of Illinois, Coppess served as Chief Counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Administrator of the Farm Service Agency at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and as a Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Ben Nelson. Coppess volunteered with the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition, Agency Review Team for USDA and as a part-time special counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Prior to serving in Washington, DC, Coppess practiced law in Chicago. He grew up on his family’s farm in western Ohio.
Affiliations: Coppess is the Leonard and Lila Gardner Illinois Farm Bureau Family of Companies Endowed Associate Professor in Agricultural Policy in the in the (ACES) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He serves as a faculty extension specialist for , also part of ACES.
Professor of Agricultural Economics
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignAgricultural Economics, Crop insurance, Risk Management, Soybeans
is the Soybean Industry Endowed Chair in Agricultural Strategy within the in the at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His activities focus on farm and risk management on Corn Belt grain farms. He analyzes factors causing differences in profitability across farms, and develops ways of mitigating risk on farms. He writes the Weekly Farm Economics article that appears each Tuesday on the .