
Expert Directory - Rhetoric and Writing

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Rhetoric and Writing

Lori Beth De Hertogh (doctorate, Washington State University) is a scholar of rhetorical studies, working at intersections between feminism, rhetorics of health and medicine, and community/public rhetorics. Dr. De Hertogh’s scholarship examines how online communities influence women’s healthcare experiences with pregnancy, fertility, and reproductive justice in community and public contexts. She also investigates social perceptions of type 2 diabetes in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia through a university-to-community partnership with Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital Medical Center. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Business and Technical CommunicationComputers and CompositionEnculturationPeithoAda: A Journal of Gender, New Media, & Technology, and Composition Forum. Additional information about her scholarship and teaching is available at 

Alex Parrish

Faculty Expert, Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication

James Madison University

Animal Studies, Rhetoric, Rhetoric and Writing

Parrish is an associate professor of writing, rhetoric, and technical communication at James Madison University. His research interests include the rhetoric of science, environmental communication, animal studies, nature writing, and the history of rhetoric. Parrish is the author of Adaptive Rhetoric: Evolution, Culture, and the Art of Persuasion, and co-editor, with Kristian Bjørkdahl, of Rhetorical Animals: Boundaries of the Human in the Study of Persuasion. He has published articles in a variety of journals, including Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Literature Compass, Rhetoric Review, POROI, and The Evolutionary Review. He is currently finishing a monograph, on the subjects of animals, persuasion, and the senses, which is under contract with the University of Chicago Press for publication in their "Animal Lives" series.

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