
Expert Directory - Biofuels

Showing results 1 – 3 of 3

Biofuels, Clean Fuel, clean technology, Energy Storage, Energy technology, environmental technologies, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energy, sustainable technology

Tim Hansen, P.E., has 20 years of experience in management of environmental and energy technology development and demonstration and multimedia environmental engineering. In his role as director of Cleantech Engineering Services for E&E, he is responsible for development and operation of a regional office focused on research, development, and demonstration of innovative energy, environmental, and sustainable technologies.

Hansen’s primary technical focus has been the development and management of large technology evaluation programs in the advanced energy, transportation, and climate change areas – focusing on clean vehicles and fuels, energy efficiency technologies, and renewable energy systems. His chief interests have focused on technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide economic benefits to users. Hansen’s group also focuses on developing innovative solutions and intellectual property in the areas of biofuels, sustainable chemistry, energy storage, and chemical process technology for production of cleaner fuels and chemicals.

Prior to Southern Research, Hansen worked as an environmental consultant, seeking improved environmental performance and regulatory compliance for industrial clients. He has a master’s degree in engineering from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Virginia. He is also a Registered Professional Engineer.

Biofuels, Biogeochemistry, Chemistry, Metabolomics, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Spectroscopy

Dr. David Hoyt is a chemist with the  team. Hoyt has over 30 years of experience with research related to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other forms of spectroscopy. His research focus has been on the structure and dynamics of bio-complexes and metabolite identification via NMR. More recently, his interests have broadened to include biogeochemistry and NMR specialty-probe development projects. Hoyt has co-authored peer-reviewed publications in Nature MicrobiologyNature CommunicationsNature Structural Biology, PNAS, CellISMEMolecular CellJACSBiochemistry, and Journal of Magnetic Resonance.

For 10 years Hoyt served in EMSL management and for over 25 years in technical support of the EMSL user program—providing research collaboration in high-field liquids NMR with structural biology and metabolomics applications, as well as in situ chemistry projects.

Hoyt was responsible to site and develop ~$12 million in new American Reinvestment and Recovery Act funded magnetic resonance systems between June 2009 and November 2011. He has also served as project manager of several recent procurements for PNNL. From 2002 to present he worked to site and develop over $40 million in NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance equipment with EMSL operations. This work included enhancements to in situ controlled-environment NMR and metabolomics capabilities. His leadership on the R&D team for high temperature and high-pressure NMR rotor capability development for in situ measurements of mixed-phased chemistry and biologics has recently led to licensing by Revolution NMR LLC (Fort Collins, CO). His present interests now include advancing PNNL and EMSL science through further work developing and participating in research and R&D of integrated capabilities related to biological, environmental, and molecular-interface contexts.

Randall Brooks, Ph.D.

Extension Professor of Forestry and Extension Forestry Specialist

University of Idaho

Biofuels, Forest, Forestry, Sleep

Randall Brooks is an experienced Extension specialist whose current research focus in logger and wildland firefighter health, safety and performance.

He is willing to speak about firefighter health and safety, sleep, fatigue and body composition changes on the fire line.

Showing results 1 – 3 of 3
