
Expert Directory - crop management

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Agriculture, crop improvement, crop management, Crops, Soybean

(he/him) develops sustainable strategies to manage plant nematodes. He studies the molecular and biochemical basis of plant-nematode interactions in order to determine how plant parasitic nematodes evade plant resistance mechanisms.

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Lambert is the Director of Undergraduate Programs and an associate professor in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois who's passionate about studying and developing sustainable methods to manage plant nematodes in crops. Lambert's latest research contribution investigates the methods and ability to express single-stranded RNA constructs transiently as a method to evaluate nematode and foreign genes for their biological significance and potential role in nematode management. Just a few more of his most recent research endeavors also include the discovery of a new member of the Carlavirus genus from randomly collected soybean leaves in Illinois, methods for measuring virulence in soybean cyst nematode, and the investigation of a new response mechanism towards plant nematode resistance involving haplotype compatibility, gene dosage, and hormone signaling.


Dr. Lambert is an associate professor in the  in the  (ACES) at the . He is also the Director of Undergraduate Programs.


Agriculture, crop improvement, crop management, Crops

(he/him) improves the long-term profitability and stability of cropping systems by exploring applications of quantitative methods on big data. He leverages interdisciplinary efforts to expand the frontiers of agricultural research, investigates quantitative methods on processes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and studies effective approaches to implement new insights and discoveries in agricultural decisions and operations.

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Martin is a researcher and associate professor at the University of Illinois who is passionate about studying and applying novel techniques in spatial statistics, AIgeostatistics, GIS, crop modeling, remote sensing, and deep learning to address complex challenges and opportunities in agriculture, such as cultivar adaptation, drought tolerance, and data-driven farming. In Martin's research program at the University of Illinois, he leads a cutting-edge research program in spatial analytics as well, teaching and mentoring students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in statistics and data science principles for agriculture and natural resources. Martin has authored several multiple patents and publications while also helping to further research in crop management, crop improvement, soil lead distribution, optimizing nitrogen management, and more. Before joining the University of Illinois, Martin received his Bachelor of Science from the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata while working as a teacher assistant. He went on to complete his Master of Science and Ph.D. at the University of Illinois.


Dr. Martin is an associate professor in the  in the  (ACES) at the .

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