Newswise News from Grant & Associates Health Research Latest news from Grant & Associates Health Research on Newswise en-us Copyright 2025 Newswise Newswise News from Grant & Associates Health Research 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Importance of Meat and Other Animal Products in Cancer Risk Highlighted in Multicountry Study /articles/importance-of-meat-and-other-animal-products-in-cancer-risk-highlighted-in-multicountry-study/?sc=rsin /articles/importance-of-meat-and-other-animal-products-in-cancer-risk-highlighted-in-multicountry-study/?sc=rsin Fri, 27 Dec 2013 14:00:00 EST A multicountry ecological study based on cancer incidence rates for 157 countries in 2008 found that animal product consumption was as important a risk factor for cancer as smoking. Alcohol consumption and sweeteners were less important. Grant & Associates Health Research Trends in Diet and Alzheimer's Disease during the Nutrition Transition in Japan and Developing Countries /articles/trends-in-diet-and-alzheimer-s-disease-during-the-nutrition-transition-in-japan-and-developing-countries/?sc=rsin /articles/trends-in-diet-and-alzheimer-s-disease-during-the-nutrition-transition-in-japan-and-developing-countries/?sc=rsin Sun, 22 Sep 2013 21:25:00 EST The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease for those over the age of 65 years in Japan rose from 1% in 1985 to 7% in 2007. The increases lagged the change to a more Western diet high in animal products such as meat and milk, by 15-25 years. Grant & Associates Health Research Ultraviolet B (UVB) Radiation Reduces Risk of 16 Types of Cancer in U.S. /articles/ultraviolet-b-uvb-radiation-reduces-risk-of-16-types-of-cancer-in-us/?sc=rsin /articles/ultraviolet-b-uvb-radiation-reduces-risk-of-16-types-of-cancer-in-us/?sc=rsin Tue, 01 Aug 2006 00:00:00 EST A study published this week in Anticancer Research confirms that solar UVB irradiance is associated with reduced risk of 16 sites of cancer, apparently through production of vitamin D. These cancers include 6 sites of gastrointestinal cancers, 3 cancers of female sites, 3 urogenital cancers, 2 types of lymphomas, and 2 upper aerodigestive tract cancers. Grant & Associates Health Research Vitamin D: Total but Not Dietary Alone Prevents Colorectal Cancer /articles/vitamin-d-total-but-not-dietary-alone-prevents-colorectal-cancer/?sc=rsin /articles/vitamin-d-total-but-not-dietary-alone-prevents-colorectal-cancer/?sc=rsin Mon, 05 Jul 2004 00:00:00 EST A review of published case-control and cohort studies on the risk reduction for colon and rectal cancer afforded by vitamin D finds that dietary sources are insufficient, but that total vitamin D from diet, solar ultraviolet B, and supplements can be sufficient. Grant & Associates Health Research Smoking Overlooked As Risk Factor for Squamous Cell Carcinoma /articles/smoking-overlooked-as-risk-factor-for-squamous-cell-carcinoma/?sc=rsin /articles/smoking-overlooked-as-risk-factor-for-squamous-cell-carcinoma/?sc=rsin Mon, 15 Mar 2004 16:00:00 EST A study published in 2003 linked the increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in Sweden to increased intentional tanning. A closer look at the SCC data as well as data for smoking deaths in Sweden shows that the increase in SCC was associated with smoking, not tanning. Grant & Associates Health Research Dietary Links to Prostate Cancer /articles/dietary-links-to-prostate-cancer/?sc=rsin /articles/dietary-links-to-prostate-cancer/?sc=rsin Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:50:00 EST A new multi-country study strengthens the link between animal products, such as meat and dairy products, as risk factors for prostate cancer, and vegetable products, especially onions, but also cereals/grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables as risk reduction factors. Grant & Associates Health Research Lack of Ultraviolet-B Radiation is a Major Cause of Many Types of Cancer /articles/lack-of-ultraviolet-b-radiation-is-a-major-cause-of-many-types-of-cancer/?sc=rsin /articles/lack-of-ultraviolet-b-radiation-is-a-major-cause-of-many-types-of-cancer/?sc=rsin Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:00:00 EST Insufficient UV-B radiation exposure in northern states will lead to approximately 85,000 additional cases and approximately 30,000 additional deaths compared to what would occur if the entire country could obtain the same UV-B exposure as is found in the southern part of the U.S. Grant & Associates Health Research Breast Cancer Links to Diet and Sunlight /articles/breast-cancer-links-to-diet-and-sunlight/?sc=rsin /articles/breast-cancer-links-to-diet-and-sunlight/?sc=rsin Thu, 03 Jan 2002 00:00:00 EST A unique study of breast cancer mortality rates and dietary factors for 35 countries presents strong evidence that diet is the most important risk factor for breast cancer. Grant & Associates Health Research