Newswise News from Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) display Latest news from Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) on Newswise en-us Copyright 2025 Newswise Newswise News from Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif New Computer Model Can Predict the Length of a Household's Displacement in Any U.S. Community After a Disaster /articles/new-computer-model-can-predict-the-length-of-a-household-s-displacement-in-any-u-s-community-after-a-disaster/?sc=rsin /articles/new-computer-model-can-predict-the-length-of-a-household-s-displacement-in-any-u-s-community-after-a-disaster/?sc=rsin Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:10:00 EST In a new study published by Risk Analysis uses recent, disaster-related data from the Household Pulse Survey (HPS) to train a computer model to predict the length of household displacement and return outcomes after a disaster. The study is the first to use state-by-state data from the U.S. Census Bureau to quantify the contribution of different factors (including household size, tenure status, educational attainment, and income per household member) on household displacement and return. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Ventilation Fans Can Significantly Lower the Risk of Inhaling Bacteria Particles After Toilet Flushing /articles/ventilation-fans-can-significantly-lower-the-risk-of-inhaling-bacteria-particles-after-toilet-flushing/?sc=rsin /articles/ventilation-fans-can-significantly-lower-the-risk-of-inhaling-bacteria-particles-after-toilet-flushing/?sc=rsin Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:40:00 EST Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) The Inequity of Wildfire Rescue Resources in California /articles/the-inequity-of-wildfire-rescue-resources-in-california/?sc=rsin /articles/the-inequity-of-wildfire-rescue-resources-in-california/?sc=rsin Tue, 10 Dec 2024 15:30:00 EST A detailed analysis of more than 500 California wildfire incidents from 2015 to 2022 by University at Buffalo scientists shows that disaster recovery resources in California favor people living in wealthy communities over disadvantaged residents who lack the resources to plan for and recover from a wildfire. "We discovered that racial and economic inequity plays a pivotal role in resource allocation for wildfire recovery and mitigation," says lead author Poulomee Roy, Ph.D. candidate in Industrial and Systems Engineering. She will present the results in December at the annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in Austin, Texas. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Nationwide Study Looks at When and Where EV Owners Use Public Charging Stations /articles/nationwide-study-looks-at-when-and-where-ev-owners-use-public-charging-stations/?sc=rsin /articles/nationwide-study-looks-at-when-and-where-ev-owners-use-public-charging-stations/?sc=rsin Tue, 10 Dec 2024 13:30:00 EST Researchers at the University of Maryland are using supercomputers and machine learning methods to analyze a full year of real-time data collected from individual EV charging ports at more than 50,000 publicly available stations throughout the country. The primary focus of the study is to estimate demand and peak times at EV charging stations. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) EPA Study Finds That U.S. Public Schools with the Highest Potential Exposure Risk to Air Toxics Have Higher Proportions of Disabled Latino, Hispanic, and Asian Children /articles/epa-study-finds-that-u-s-public-schools-with-the-highest-potential-exposure-risk-to-air-toxics-have-higher-proportions-of-disabled-latino-hispanic-and-asian-children/?sc=rsin /articles/epa-study-finds-that-u-s-public-schools-with-the-highest-potential-exposure-risk-to-air-toxics-have-higher-proportions-of-disabled-latino-hispanic-and-asian-children/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 16:00:00 EST The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed a nationwide study to assess the estimated non-cancer exposure risks of public school students to ambient air respiratory toxicants. The analysis also examined how disability status, race, and ethnicity were related to exposure risk in more than 88,000 regular public schools located in the 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Lower-Quality Public Housing Is at High Risk of Flood Damage /articles/lower-quality-public-housing-is-at-high-risk-of-flood-damage/?sc=rsin /articles/lower-quality-public-housing-is-at-high-risk-of-flood-damage/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 15:30:00 EST Preliminary findings suggest that lower-quality public housing structures (with lower inspection scores) are more likely to be located in a FEMA flood zone and in areas with higher flood risk as defined by FEMA's National Risk Index. They are also more likely to be home to higher percentages of people of color. Kelsea Best, assistant professor of Urban Climate Resilience and Adaptation Disparities in Ohio State University's College of Engineering, will present the team's research in December at the annual Society for Risk Analysis meeting in Austin, Texas. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Employee Visits to Adult or Gambling Sites Doubles Risk of Infection by Malware /articles/employee-visits-to-adult-or-gambling-sites-doubles-risk-of-infection-by-malware/?sc=rsin /articles/employee-visits-to-adult-or-gambling-sites-doubles-risk-of-infection-by-malware/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 15:30:00 EST Cybersecurity researchers from the University of Trento and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the global cybersecurity firm Trend Micro wondered what behaviors bring the greatest risk of malware infection: working at night, browsing adult content, gambling, having a lot of software installed or just visiting strange places? Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) What Motivates Americans to Eat Less Red Meat? /articles/what-motivates-americans-to-eat-less-red-meat/?sc=rsin /articles/what-motivates-americans-to-eat-less-red-meat/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 13:35:00 EST Researchers at Baruch College and the University of Southern California (USC) surveyed more than 7,500 adults as part of the Understanding America Study - a probability-based Internet panel of individuals 18 and older. They will present their research at the December annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in Austin, Texas. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Toxic Air in Texas High Schools /articles/toxic-air-in-texas-high-schools/?sc=rsin /articles/toxic-air-in-texas-high-schools/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 13:30:00 EST A recent study of the indoor air in central Texas high schools revealed that two groups of SVOCs, phthalates and PBDEs, are prevalent in high school environments. The research will be presented in early December at the annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in Austin, Texas. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Students Are Less Likely to Feel Safe at Their Schools, Compared to Staff and Parents /articles/students-are-less-likely-to-feel-safe-at-their-schools-compared-to-staff-and-parents/?sc=rsin /articles/students-are-less-likely-to-feel-safe-at-their-schools-compared-to-staff-and-parents/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Dec 2024 09:35:00 EST Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) conducted a nationwide study of K-12 parents, K-12 teachers, and recently graduated high school students to test their responses to three hypothetical "threat scenarios." The goal was to measure their perception of school safety as well as their likelihood to report a threat at school. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Does Living in America's Wealthiest Communities Make You Safer? /articles/does-living-in-america-s-wealthiest-communities-make-you-safer/?sc=rsin /articles/does-living-in-america-s-wealthiest-communities-make-you-safer/?sc=rsin Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:00:00 EST Nationwide study published in Risk Analysis, compares the concentration of hazards and risks for the richest and poorest counties and municipalities in all 50 states (200 locations). Wealthier communities face higher economic consequences from natural hazard events compared to the poorest, mostly rural communities. The lowest-income municipalities have fewer impact from natural hazards, but at least 50% higher suicide and homicide rates, and firearm fatalities. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) New research shows that solar-powered "resilience hubs" in California could generate up to 8GW of power -- providing emergency assistance to vulnerable residents during power outages /articles/new-research-shows-that-solar-powered-resilience-hubs-in-california-could-generate-up-to-8gw-of-power-providing-emergency-assistance-to-vulnerable-residents-during-power-outages/?sc=rsin /articles/new-research-shows-that-solar-powered-resilience-hubs-in-california-could-generate-up-to-8gw-of-power-providing-emergency-assistance-to-vulnerable-residents-during-power-outages/?sc=rsin Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:00:00 EST A new study in the journal Risk Analysis finds that strategically placing resilience hubs throughout California could generate up to 8 GW of solar energy and lower the state's carbon emissions by 5 million tons per year. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Study Shows AI-Driven Cyberattacks Can Inflict Damage on GDP and Supply Chains for the World's Largest Economies /articles/study-shows-ai-driven-cyberattacks-can-inflict-damage-on-gdp-and-supply-chains-for-the-world-s-largest-economies/?sc=rsin /articles/study-shows-ai-driven-cyberattacks-can-inflict-damage-on-gdp-and-supply-chains-for-the-world-s-largest-economies/?sc=rsin Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:05:39 EST A forthcoming study from the journal Risk Analysis explores the cascading impacts of AI-driven cyberattacks, including damage on GDP and supply chains for the world's largest economies Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Longer freight trains have a higher risk of derailment, new study shows /articles/longer-freight-trains-have-a-higher-risk-of-derailment-new-study-shows/?sc=rsin /articles/longer-freight-trains-have-a-higher-risk-of-derailment-new-study-shows/?sc=rsin Wed, 29 May 2024 09:00:00 EST New research in the journal Risk Analysis has confirmed that longer freight trains bring with them a higher risk of derailment. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) New Study Reveals Covid-19 May Have Originated in a Lab /articles/new-study-reveals-covid-19-may-have-originated-in-a-lab/?sc=rsin /articles/new-study-reveals-covid-19-may-have-originated-in-a-lab/?sc=rsin Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:00:00 EST Research from the journal Risk Analysis, examined the likelihood of COVID-19 coming from an unnatural origin (i.e. from a laboratory.) Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Early research shows Gen Z perceives more dangers in life than previous generations /articles/early-research-shows-gen-z-perceives-more-dangers-in-life-than-previous-generations/?sc=rsin /articles/early-research-shows-gen-z-perceives-more-dangers-in-life-than-previous-generations/?sc=rsin Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:30:00 EST As presented at the 2023 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference, Gabriel Rubin from Montclair State University conducted 40 interviews with members of Gen Z (as of publication) in an ongoing study about risk factors that have led to the current mental health crisis in young people. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) New Research Shows That U.S. Renters Are Hit the Hardest When a Hurricane Strikes /articles/new-research-shows-that-u-s-renters-are-hit-the-hardest-when-a-hurricane-strikes/?sc=rsin /articles/new-research-shows-that-u-s-renters-are-hit-the-hardest-when-a-hurricane-strikes/?sc=rsin Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:30:00 EST Ten years of data indicate that a hurricane disaster leads to rent increases, higher eviction rates, and less affordable housing for renters Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Inequity in U.S. Wildfire Emergency Response /articles/inequity-in-u-s-wildfire-emergency-response/?sc=rsin /articles/inequity-in-u-s-wildfire-emergency-response/?sc=rsin Wed, 13 Dec 2023 09:30:00 EST Research shows that counties with higher black and lower-income populations receive less support in wildfire disasters. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Helping More People Get to Safety In A Wildfire /articles/helping-more-people-get-to-safety-in-a-wildfire/?sc=rsin /articles/helping-more-people-get-to-safety-in-a-wildfire/?sc=rsin Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:50:00 EST Scientists have developed a web-based tool to help communities design an optimal wildfire evacuation plan. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Health Effects Associated with Heavy Metals in Food: Strength or Weakness of Evidence /articles/heavy-metals-in-our-food-are-most-dangerous-for-kids/?sc=rsin /articles/heavy-metals-in-our-food-are-most-dangerous-for-kids/?sc=rsin Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:15:00 EST Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)