Newswise News from American Institute of Physics (AIP) Latest news from American Institute of Physics (AIP) on Newswise en-us Copyright 2024 Newswise Newswise News from American Institute of Physics (AIP) 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Physics Today Takes a Look Inside the Physics Book Illustrated by a Teenage Maurice Sendak /articles/physics-today-takes-a-look-inside-the-physics-book-illustrated-by-a-teenage-maurice-sendak/?sc=rsin /articles/physics-today-takes-a-look-inside-the-physics-book-illustrated-by-a-teenage-maurice-sendak/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:05:24 EST Many childhoods have been shaped by the works of Maurice Sendak, whose deeply emotional stories and fantastical illustrations have captured the imaginations of millions. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Analyzing 'Finnegans Wake' for Novel Spacing Between Punctuation Marks /articles/analyzing-finnegans-wake-for-novel-spacing-between-punctuation-marks/?sc=rsin /articles/analyzing-finnegans-wake-for-novel-spacing-between-punctuation-marks/?sc=rsin Tue, 20 Aug 2024 11:00:00 EST James Joyce's tome "Finnegans Wake" famously breaks the rules of normal prose through its unusual, dreamlike stream of consciousness, and new work in chaos theory takes a closer look at how Joyce's challenging novel stands out mathematically. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Measuring Martian Winds with Sound /articles/measuring-martian-winds-with-sound/?sc=rsin /articles/measuring-martian-winds-with-sound/?sc=rsin Tue, 13 Aug 2024 11:00:00 EST Martian landers have been able capture measurements of wind speeds -- some gauging the cooling rate of heated materials when winds blow over them, others using cameras to image "tell-tales" that blow in the wind -- but there's still room for improvement. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Cricket Physics: Science Behind the Modern Bowler Technique Tricking Batters /articles/cricket-physics-science-behind-the-modern-bowler-technique-tricking-batters/?sc=rsin /articles/cricket-physics-science-behind-the-modern-bowler-technique-tricking-batters/?sc=rsin Tue, 13 Aug 2024 11:00:00 EST In Physics of Fluids, researchers have started to unravel the mysteries of how near-horizontal bowling in cricket leads to such tough-to-hit balls. The team employed a wake survey rake device made of multiple tubes designed to capture the pressure downstream of the ball and examined the flow dynamics of cricket balls rotating up to 2,500 rpm in a wind tunnel. The group found that low-pressure zones expanded and intensified near the ball when spinning, while these zones shifted and diminished downstream. At higher spin rates, the low-pressure zone begins to change to a persistent bilobed shape. The results lend support to the theory that these newer bowling techniques tap into the Magnus effect. American Institute of Physics (AIP) How Spreading Misinformation Is Like a Nuclear Reaction /articles/how-spreading-misinformation-is-like-a-nuclear-reaction/?sc=rsin /articles/how-spreading-misinformation-is-like-a-nuclear-reaction/?sc=rsin Tue, 30 Jul 2024 11:00:00 EST In AIP Advances, researchers from Shandong Normal University develop a new type of rumor propagation model, taking inspiration from nuclear reactions. Their model can provide fresh insights on how online disinformation spreads and how to combat it. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Wearable Sensors Help Athletes Achieve Greater Performance /articles/wearable-sensors-help-athletes-achieve-greater-performance/?sc=rsin /articles/wearable-sensors-help-athletes-achieve-greater-performance/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Jul 2024 11:00:00 EST In APL Materials, researchers from Lyuliang University have developed a low-cost, flexible, and customizable sensor for badminton players that overcomes current monitoring constraints. The team used triboelectric sensors to construct their intelligent monitoring system because they are easy to adapt for flexible, wearable devices and to minimize interference during bending and twisting, they built a 3D-printed flexible arch-shaped sensor encased in a thermoplastic elastomer. This design is comfortable during use and can be easily customized to individual athletes. American Institute of Physics (AIP) 3D-Printed Microstructure Forest Facilitates Solar Steam Generator Desalination /articles/3d-printed-microstructure-forest-facilitates-solar-steam-generator-desalination/?sc=rsin /articles/3d-printed-microstructure-forest-facilitates-solar-steam-generator-desalination/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Jul 2024 11:00:00 EST Faced with the world's impending freshwater scarcity, researchers in Singapore turned to solar steam generators, which are emerging as a promising device for seawater desalination. The team sought design inspiration from trees and harnessed the potential of 3D printing. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Microplastic Pollution Increases Sea Foam Height and Stability /articles/microplastic-pollution-increases-sea-foam-height-and-stability/?sc=rsin /articles/microplastic-pollution-increases-sea-foam-height-and-stability/?sc=rsin Tue, 16 Jul 2024 11:05:15 EST In Physics of Fluids, researchers examine the specific impacts of microplastics on the geophysics of sea foam formation in the critical zone where water meets air in the top layer of the ocean. American Institute of Physics (AIP) What Was Behind the 2021-2022 Energy Crisis Within Europe? /articles/what-was-behind-the-2021-2022-energy-crisis-within-europe/?sc=rsin /articles/what-was-behind-the-2021-2022-energy-crisis-within-europe/?sc=rsin Tue, 02 Jul 2024 11:00:00 EST A team of researchers had already been working with electricity price data for years before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, exploring statistics and developing forecasting methods. Now they zero in on how prices in different countries relate and how countries were affected by the energy crisis and address the interdependencies of different markets. American Institute of Physics (AIP) 3D-Printed Chip Sensor Detects Foodborne Pathogens for Safer Products /articles/3d-printed-chip-sensor-detects-foodborne-pathogens-for-safer-products/?sc=rsin /articles/3d-printed-chip-sensor-detects-foodborne-pathogens-for-safer-products/?sc=rsin Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:00:00 EST In AIP Advances, researchers have developed a new method for detecting foodborne pathogens that is faster, cheaper, and more effective than existing methods. Their microfluidic chip uses light to detect multiple types of pathogens simultaneously and is created using 3D printing, making it easy to fabricate in large amounts and modify to target specific pathogens. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Trash-Sorting Robot Mimics Complex Human Sense of Touch /articles/trash-sorting-robot-mimics-complex-human-sense-of-touch/?sc=rsin /articles/trash-sorting-robot-mimics-complex-human-sense-of-touch/?sc=rsin Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:00:00 EST In Applied Physics Reviews, researchers from Tsinghua University work to break through the difficulties of robotic recognition of various common, yet complex, items. Their layered sensor is equipped with material detection at the surface and pressure sensitivity at the bottom, with a porous middle layer sensitive to thermal changes. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Mapping Lava Flows with Groundbreaking Field Instrument /articles/mapping-lava-flows-with-groundbreaking-field-instrument/?sc=rsin /articles/mapping-lava-flows-with-groundbreaking-field-instrument/?sc=rsin Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:00:00 EST In Review of Scientific Instruments, researchers from the University at Buffalo develop a tool for measuring the viscosity of lava that could increase our understanding of molten rock as well as better improve models of its movement, giving authorities crucial guidance for keeping people safe. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Harnessing Green Energy from Plants Depends on Their Circadian Rhythms /articles/harnessing-green-energy-from-plants-depends-on-their-circadian-rhythms/?sc=rsin /articles/harnessing-green-energy-from-plants-depends-on-their-circadian-rhythms/?sc=rsin Tue, 28 May 2024 11:00:00 EST Plant hydraulics drive the biological process that moves fluids from roots to plant stems and leaves, creating streaming electric potential, or voltage, in the process. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Seeking Medical Insights in the Physics of Mucus /articles/seeking-medical-insights-in-the-physics-of-mucus/?sc=rsin /articles/seeking-medical-insights-in-the-physics-of-mucus/?sc=rsin Tue, 07 May 2024 11:00:00 EST Understanding how mucus changes, and what it changes in response to, can help diagnose illnesses and develop treatments. In APL Bioengineering, researchers develop a system to grow mucus-producing intestinal cells and study the characteristics of the mucus in different conditions. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Study Sheds Light on Cancer Cell 'Tug-of-War' /articles/study-sheds-light-on-cancer-cell-tug-of-war/?sc=rsin /articles/study-sheds-light-on-cancer-cell-tug-of-war/?sc=rsin Tue, 07 May 2024 11:00:00 EST In APL Bioengineering, researchers used a breast cancer cell line panel and primary tumor explants from breast and cervical cancer patients to examine two different cellular contractility modes: one that generates collective tissue surface tension that keeps cell clusters compact and another, more directional, contractility that enables cells to pull themselves into the extracellular matrix. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Machine Listening: Making Speech Recognition Systems More Inclusive /articles/machine-listening-making-speech-recognition-systems-more-inclusive/?sc=rsin /articles/machine-listening-making-speech-recognition-systems-more-inclusive/?sc=rsin Tue, 30 Apr 2024 11:00:00 EST One group commonly misunderstood by voice technology are individuals who speak African American English, or AAE. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Laser-Treated Cork Absorbs Oil for Carbon-Neutral Ocean Cleanup /articles/laser-treated-cork-absorbs-oil-for-carbon-neutral-ocean-cleanup/?sc=rsin /articles/laser-treated-cork-absorbs-oil-for-carbon-neutral-ocean-cleanup/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Apr 2024 11:00:00 EST In Applied Physics Letters, researchers use laser treatments to transform ordinary cork into a powerful tool for treating oil spills. They tested variations of a fast-pulsing laser treatment, closely examining the nanoscopic structural changes and measuring the ratio of oxygen and carbon in the material, changes in the angles with which water and oil contact the surface, and the material's light wave absorption, reflection, and emission across the spectrum to determine its durability after multiple cycles of warming and cooling. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Magnetic Microcoils Unlock Targeted Single-Neuron Therapies for Neurodegenerative Disorders /articles/magnetic-microcoils-unlock-targeted-single-neuron-therapies-for-neurodegenerative-disorders/?sc=rsin /articles/magnetic-microcoils-unlock-targeted-single-neuron-therapies-for-neurodegenerative-disorders/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Apr 2024 11:00:00 EST In the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, researchers deploy an array of microscopic coils to create a magnetic field and stimulate individual neurons. The magnetic field can induce an electric field in any nearby neurons, the same effect created by an electrode but much more precise. American Institute of Physics (AIP) AIP Appoints Alejandro de la Puente as Director of the Society of Physics Students and AIP Student Engagement Officer /articles/aip-appoints-alejandro-de-la-puente-as-director-of-the-society-of-physics-students-and-aip-student-engagement-officer/?sc=rsin /articles/aip-appoints-alejandro-de-la-puente-as-director-of-the-society-of-physics-students-and-aip-student-engagement-officer/?sc=rsin Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:05:30 EST AIP is delighted to announce the appointment of Alejandro de la Puente as director of the Society of Physics Students and AIP's first Student Engagement Officer. American Institute of Physics (AIP) What Do Bird Dreams Sound Like? /articles/what-do-bird-dreams-sound-like/?sc=rsin /articles/what-do-bird-dreams-sound-like/?sc=rsin Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:05:29 EST While asleep, the area of birds' brains dedicated to singing remains active, triggering vocal muscles without producing sound. In Chaos from AIP Publishing, researchers translate the muscle activity to synthesize the songs of avian dreams. Reproducing distinctive bird calls provides a window into the contents of the bird's dreams. American Institute of Physics (AIP)