Newswise News from University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center /institutions/newsroom/ 19694/?source= Latest news from University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center on Newswise en-us Copyright 2022 Newswise Newswise News from University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Putting it all Together /articles/view/778712/?sc=rsin /articles/view/778712/?sc=rsin Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:05:52 EST Dr. Colleen McCormick joins the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her curiosity and desire to work with patients from the beginning of their diagnosis to the end of their care led her to gynecologic oncology. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Molecular Musical Chairs /articles/view/777475/?sc=rsin /articles/view/777475/?sc=rsin Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:05:19 EST The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is safe and effective - but it's not for everyone. Michelle Ozbun, PhD, and her team at UNM Cancer Center published a research article earlier this year in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in which they describe how a drug called protamine sulfate blocks HPV infection. Like a game of musical chairs among molecules, the drug molecules bind to heparan sulfate cell receptors, preventing HPV virus particles from doing so. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Intricate Interplay /articles/view/776597/?sc=rsin /articles/view/776597/?sc=rsin Tue, 16 Aug 2022 13:00:16 EST Kimberly Leslie, MD, was awarded a four-year, $1.8 million grant from the Department of Defense (DOD) to further study high-risk uterine cancer. Her research has led her to study the differences between natural progesterone and synthetic progestins - hormones often used for birth control - and the influence of progesterone on a tumor suppressor protein called p53. The hormones, drugs and proteins, she's learned, influence each other and the body's cells in complex ways. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Cheryl Sampson Hired to Lead UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center's Clinical Research Office /articles/view/775143/?sc=rsin /articles/view/775143/?sc=rsin Mon, 25 Jul 2022 11:05:22 EST Cheryl Sampson has close to 25 years in health care research administration experience at both a university cancer center and in the health system setting. It gives her a unique combination of experience that suits the unique nature of the job in New Mexico. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center In With the New /articles/view/774809/?sc=rsin /articles/view/774809/?sc=rsin Tue, 19 Jul 2022 16:50:24 EST "I think for me, what I find most interesting about rectal cancer is the multidisciplinary and individualized care and a new trend in treatment to offer organ preservation instead of surgery in selected patients," she said. "I love surgery, but I also know the consequences of doing surgery. I saw UNM was also interested in this treatment strategy that might be more beneficial for some patients and I wanted to be in a cancer center where I could offer that approach." University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Getting Here from There /articles/view/771964/?sc=rsin /articles/view/771964/?sc=rsin Wed, 01 Jun 2022 10:15:59 EST This assistance is highly important. It ultimately affects some patients who might not otherwise be successful with treatment if they are constantly stressed with having to find the means to stay here or get here. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Blasting Bladder Cancer /articles/view/769717/?sc=rsin /articles/view/769717/?sc=rsin Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:05:23 EST Bladder cancer affects nearly 84,000 people in the United States each year, making it the sixth most common cancer. Most people survive it, but unfortunately, many lose their bladders. Neda Hashemi, MD, and her team at The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center are now offering several clinical trials, including one that will give people with bladder cancer a chance to fight their disease and keep their bladders. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Filling in the Gaps /articles/view/769128/?sc=rsin /articles/view/769128/?sc=rsin Mon, 18 Apr 2022 06:05:44 EST With all that the Land of Enchantment has to offer, skin cancer isn't on the top on anyone's list. But abundant sunshine and a dearth of dermatologists in the state pose a challenge for detecting and treating the various forms of skin cancer. Skin Cancer Screening clinics are now resuming. The first of several new clinics will be held in Albuquerque on Saturday, May 7. More are planned over the coming year in Gallup, Taos and southern New Mexico. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Food for the Fight /articles/view/767122/?sc=rsin /articles/view/767122/?sc=rsin Mon, 14 Mar 2022 16:55:07 EST Kelly Dunn recently became board certified by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Oncology Nutrition. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Mutation Matchmaking /articles/view/765549/?sc=rsin /articles/view/765549/?sc=rsin Tue, 15 Feb 2022 04:05:50 EST The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center has opened the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry (TAPURTM) Study, sponsored by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). The clinical trial is cancer agnostic. It may help people who have rare cancer mutations and enable them to receive personalized cancer therapy. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Path of Discovery /articles/view/763944/?sc=rsin /articles/view/763944/?sc=rsin Tue, 18 Jan 2022 10:00:38 EST Alissa Greenbaum, MD, took a winding path through medicine to land in surgical oncology and lead the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center's Peritoneal Surface Malignancy and HIPEC program. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Prescription Precision /articles/view/761241/?sc=rsin /articles/view/761241/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Nov 2021 11:20:22 EST The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center's team of pharmacists is involved in every aspect of patient care. From preparing complicated drugs to helping patients find a way to pay for them. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Three Steps Forward /articles/view/757979/?sc=rsin /articles/view/757979/?sc=rsin Fri, 24 Sep 2021 16:45:25 EST Mariah Candelaria is a three-time survivor of Hodgkin Lymphoma and received a stem cell transplant at the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center. During and after her recovery she's leaned on dance to make it through. Now she wants to give back to others who are going through similar challenges fighting cancer. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center UNM Cancer Center Renews NCI Comprehensive Designation /articles/view/757670/?sc=rsin /articles/view/757670/?sc=rsin Tue, 21 Sep 2021 09:00:12 EST The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center has once again been awarded the highest designation and rating in the United States for cancer treatment and research programs. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Change Agent /articles/view/754667/?sc=rsin /articles/view/754667/?sc=rsin Wed, 21 Jul 2021 11:20:08 EST The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center helps patients with high-complexity cases. Elyse Eckart's experience with breast cancer has led her to take on new challenges and embrace tasks and activities she may not have before. She's also giving back to the community. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Brain Cancer: Hunting What's Left /articles/view/754165/?sc=rsin /articles/view/754165/?sc=rsin Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:30:13 EST Like a mystery detective, Sara G.M. Piccirillo, PhD, is hunting deadly bad actors by studying the crime scene and questioning bystanders one by one. But these bad actors are cells in the brain. She is using two grants to study tumor cells and cells in the surrounding area, one by one. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Assured Resolution /articles/view/754054/?sc=rsin /articles/view/754054/?sc=rsin Thu, 08 Jul 2021 12:20:33 EST UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center conducted a two-pronged study looking into the efficacy of 3D mammograms and also the general awareness of the technology among at-risk populations in New Mexico. The study was conducted prior to the technology gaining more use among the public, and showed fewer callbacks and more awareness even in its early days. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center To Train a Scientist /articles/view/752459/?sc=rsin /articles/view/752459/?sc=rsin Mon, 07 Jun 2021 06:05:27 EST The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center is using a grant from the American Cancer Society to introduce more underrepresented minority undergraduate students to cancer research University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center Crushing It /articles/view/747452/?sc=rsin /articles/view/747452/?sc=rsin Tue, 09 Mar 2021 10:05:34 EST The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center's orthopedic oncology program helped Kyle Stepp recover from bone cancer and lead an active and generous life. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center scientist receives national recognition /articles/view/746990/?sc=rsin /articles/view/746990/?sc=rsin Mon, 01 Mar 2021 11:50:13 EST Dr. Kinjyo's work Will continue to look at how combining different drug treatments can improve outcomes for women with ovarian cancer. University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center