Newswise Feature Channel: Gaming /articles/channels/Gaming video games and gaming technology, research, and trends en-us Copyright 2024 Newswise Newswise Feature Channel: Gaming 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Soniqs Win PUBG World Championship - Second Consecutive World Title /articles/soniqs-win-pubg-world-championship-second-consecutive-world-title/?sc=c6266 /articles/soniqs-win-pubg-world-championship-second-consecutive-world-title/?sc=c6266 Mon, 09 Sep 2024 09:25:17 EST Business Ethics,Gaming,Sports Life News (Arts and Humanities),Business News Announcement Last weekend, Soniqs traveled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to compete in the PUBG Esports World Cup. Soniqs' PUBG team went on to win the World Championship - its 8th championship title since 2019 and second consecutive World Championship victory. Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Curious by Nature: How Addictive Are Companies Making Video Games with Dr. Puneet Manchanda /articles/curious-by-nature-how-addictive-are-companies-making-video-games-with-dr-puneet-manchanda2/?sc=c6266 /articles/curious-by-nature-how-addictive-are-companies-making-video-games-with-dr-puneet-manchanda2/?sc=c6266 Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:20:17 EST Addiction,Behavioral Science,Gaming,Technology Medical News,Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences),Business News Repost For many years, addiction research has focused on chemical dependencies like drugs and alcohol. However, new phenomena such as video game and social media addictions are not as extensively studied. University of Michigan Ross School of Business Curious by Nature: How Addictive Are Companies Making Video Games with Dr. Puneet Manchanda /articles/curious-by-nature-how-addictive-are-companies-making-video-games-with-dr-puneet-manchanda/?sc=c6266 /articles/curious-by-nature-how-addictive-are-companies-making-video-games-with-dr-puneet-manchanda/?sc=c6266 Fri, 09 Aug 2024 08:05:04 EST Addiction,Behavioral Science,Drugs and Drug Abuse,Gaming,Psychology and Psychiatry,Social Media,Technology,Featured: DailyWire,Featured: LifeWire,Featured: MedWire,Staff Picks,Top Hit Stories Medical News,Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Podcast For many years, addiction research has focused on chemical dependencies like drugs and alcohol. However, new phenomena such as video game and social media addictions are not as extensively studied. Newswise Study: Gaming Opens Pathways into IT Careers /articles/study-gaming-opens-pathways-into-it-careers2/?sc=c6266 /articles/study-gaming-opens-pathways-into-it-careers2/?sc=c6266 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 22:05:11 EST Addiction,Behavioral Science,Education,Environmental Health,Gaming,Technology Life News (Education) Feature If you're worried that your kids are wasting too much of their summer playing video games, there could be an unexpected payoff in the future. A new study by the Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center (EERC) reveals that gaming, modding, and related hobbies can form a career pathway into the high-demand IT field, especially for adolescents and teens with supportive parents. Rutgers University-New Brunswick Artificial intelligence at core of video game actors' strike: Expert explains /articles/artificial-intelligence-at-core-of-video-game-actors-strike-expert-explains/?sc=c6266 /articles/artificial-intelligence-at-core-of-video-game-actors-strike-expert-explains/?sc=c6266 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 11:05:04 EST Artificial Intelligence,Gaming Life News (Arts and Humanities) Feature Expert <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=" alt="Newswise image" />The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has gone on strike against 10 major companies that make video games. Video games and communications expert James Ivory answers questions about the reasons for and potential consequences of the strike, including artificial intelligence (AI). /articles/ Virginia Tech SMU researchers to present new tool for enhancing AI transparency and accuracy at IEEE Conference /articles/smu-researchers-to-present-new-tool-for-enhancing-ai-transparency-and-accuracy-at-ieee-conference2/?sc=c6266 /articles/smu-researchers-to-present-new-tool-for-enhancing-ai-transparency-and-accuracy-at-ieee-conference2/?sc=c6266 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 12:05:19 EST Artificial Intelligence,Gaming,Technology Science News Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/07/30/66a90ee907802_Screenshot2024-07-22at12.38.53PM.png&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />While large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in extracting data and generating connected responses, there are real questions about how these artificial intelligence (AI) models reach their answers. That's why SMU researchers Corey Clark and Steph Buongiorno are presenting a paper at the upcoming IEEE Conference on Games. /articles//images/uploads/2024/07/30/66a90ee907802_Screenshot2024-07-22at12.38.53PM.png Southern Methodist University Video game performers strike: MSU experts can comment /articles/video-game-performers-strike-msu-experts-can-comment/?sc=c6266 /articles/video-game-performers-strike-msu-experts-can-comment/?sc=c6266 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:05:10 EST Artificial Intelligence,Gaming Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Expert Pitch <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/07/26/66a3dc750f19c_Image1-AmandaCote.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />Video game performers in Hollywood voted to go on strike against gaming companies on Thursday, putting voice acting, motion-capture work, stunts and more that appear in video games to a halt. /articles//images/uploads/2024/07/26/66a3dc750f19c_Image1-AmandaCote.jpg,/images/uploads/2024/07/26/66a3dc9b70c85_Image2-CaseyODonnell.png,/images/uploads/2024/07/26/66a3dcba892ee_Image3-RyanThompson.JPG,/images/uploads/2024/07/26/66a3dd009bbaf_Image4-AnjanaSusarla.jpg Michigan State University Legalized Gambling Increases Irresponsible Betting Behavior, Especially Among Low-Income Populations /articles/pitch-legalized-sports-betting-increases-irresponsible-betting-behavior-especially-among-low-income-populations/?sc=c6266 /articles/pitch-legalized-sports-betting-increases-irresponsible-betting-behavior-especially-among-low-income-populations/?sc=c6266 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:05:25 EST Economics,Gaming,Government and Law,Poverty,U.S. Supreme Court,All Journal News Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/07/23/669ffcd6b675b_2425-129-UC-San-Diego-Today-GamblingMap-2400x1256px-F11.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />In a first-of-its-kind study from the University of California San Diego Rady School of Management, researchers have identified comprehensive insights into the positive and negative impacts of online gambling legalization on tax revenue and gambling behaviors in the U.S. /articles//images/uploads/2024/07/23/669ffcd6b675b_2425-129-UC-San-Diego-Today-GamblingMap-2400x1256px-F11.jpg,/images/uploads/2024/07/23/669ffcefc3b1f_2425-129-UC-San-Diego-Today-Gambling-Graphic2-800x400px-F1.jpg,/images/uploads/2024/07/23/669ffd1ec2981_Capture2.JPG,/images/uploads/2024/07/23/669ffd34409a0_Ken-Wilbur.jpg University of California San Diego Study: The Diminishing Impact of Casino Free-Play Promotions  /articles/study-the-diminishing-impact-of-casino-free-play-promotions/?sc=c6266 /articles/study-the-diminishing-impact-of-casino-free-play-promotions/?sc=c6266 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:05:23 EST All Journal News,Business Ethics,Entrepreneurship,Gaming,Marketing Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/06/25/667af54547f31_Lucas.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />Free-play campaigns - or gambling money on the house - have gotten big. They are the dominant play incentive in the gaming industry, where the most money is spent to get players in the door and keep them coming back for more. But new research suggests their effectiveness may be on the decline within certain groups of players. /articles//images/uploads/2024/06/25/667af54547f31_Lucas.jpg University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Cyberbullying and sexual harassment rampant in esports /articles/cyberbullying-and-sexual-harassment-rampant-in-esports/?sc=c6266 /articles/cyberbullying-and-sexual-harassment-rampant-in-esports/?sc=c6266 Mon, 17 Jun 2024 18:05:53 EST All Journal News,Bullying,Gaming,Gender Issues,LGBTQ Issues Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/06/17/6670b8ab76a1f_GettyImages-1502330121.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />It's one of the fastest growing industries globally, raking in millions for the best players and attracting a huge fanbase, but a new Australian study has revealed the dark side of professional video gaming: cyberbullying and sexual harassment. /articles//images/uploads/2024/06/17/6670b8ab76a1f_GettyImages-1502330121.jpg University of South Australia Gamers say they hate 'smurfing,' but admit they do it /articles/gamers-say-they-hate-smurfing-but-admit-they-do-it/?sc=c6266 /articles/gamers-say-they-hate-smurfing-but-admit-they-do-it/?sc=c6266 Tue, 21 May 2024 10:05:09 EST All Journal News,Behavioral Science,Gaming,Top Hit Stories Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results Online video game players believe the behavior known as "smurfing" is generally wrong and toxic to the gaming community - but most admit to doing it and say some reasons make the behavior less blameworthy, new research finds. The new study suggests that debates about toxicity in gaming may sometimes be more complex and nuanced than is often acknowledged, according to the researchers. Ohio State University Cleveland Clinic Enters Metaverse to Promote Mental Health Wellness /articles/cleveland-clinic-enters-metaverse-to-promote-mental-health-wellness/?sc=c6266 /articles/cleveland-clinic-enters-metaverse-to-promote-mental-health-wellness/?sc=c6266 Mon, 20 May 2024 07:00:00 EST Gaming,Mental Health,Psychology and Psychiatry Medical News Announcement Mental health is a growing issue for millions. In an effort to meet people where they are with accurate, useful health information, Cleveland Clinic has developed an interactive experience designed to provide users with a mental health break. Cleveland Clinic NYU Tandon School of Engineering researchers test AI systems' ability to solve The New York Times' Connections puzzle /articles/nyu-tandon-school-of-engineering-researchers-test-ai-systems-ability-to-solve-the-new-york-times-connections-puzzle/?sc=c6266 /articles/nyu-tandon-school-of-engineering-researchers-test-ai-systems-ability-to-solve-the-new-york-times-connections-puzzle/?sc=c6266 Thu, 09 May 2024 15:05:29 EST All Journal News,Artificial Intelligence,Gaming Life News (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Announcement In a study that will be presented at the IEEE 2024 Conference on Games - taking place in Milan, Italy from August 5 - 8 - NYU Tandon researchers investigated whether modern natural language processing (NLP) systems could solve these language-based puzzles. NYU Tandon School of Engineering 'Fallout' success: video game nostalgia spans multiple media, explains expert /articles/fallout-success-video-game-nostalgia-spans-multiple-media-explains-expert/?sc=c6266 /articles/fallout-success-video-game-nostalgia-spans-multiple-media-explains-expert/?sc=c6266 Fri, 26 Apr 2024 17:05:55 EST Gaming,Media and Journalism Life News (Pop Culture) Feature Expert <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/04/26/662c17bf03a31_Ivory.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />Mention the name "Fallout" to a dedicated gamer, and you might well see their eyes light up with nostalgia. Amazon Prime's new "Fallout" TV show racked up high scores with critics and audiences alike. Virginia Tech media expert James Ivory answered questions about the appeal of "Fallout" and what its success could mean for the future of entertainment media. /articles//images/uploads/2024/04/26/662c17bf03a31_Ivory.jpg Virginia Tech Super Mario hackers' tricks could protect software from bugs, study finds /articles/super-mario-hackers-tricks-could-protect-software-from-bugs-study-finds/?sc=c6266 /articles/super-mario-hackers-tricks-could-protect-software-from-bugs-study-finds/?sc=c6266 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 04:05:03 EST Gaming Science News Research Results Video gamers who exploit glitches in games can help experts better understand buggy software, students at the University of Bristol suggest. University of Bristol SMU Prof to Use NSF Grant to Develop Game-Based Semiconductor Curriculum for High School Students /articles/smu-prof-to-use-nsf-grant-to-develop-game-based-semiconductor-curriculum-for-high-school-students/?sc=c6266 /articles/smu-prof-to-use-nsf-grant-to-develop-game-based-semiconductor-curriculum-for-high-school-students/?sc=c6266 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:05:29 EST Gaming,Technology Life News (Education) Announcement <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/04/15/661d4dc48857d_LinLinLipsmeyerNSFGrant.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded an Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) grant to SMU professor Lin Lipsmeyer and colleagues toward developing one of the first game-based semiconductor curricula for high school students. /articles//images/uploads/2024/04/15/661d4dc48857d_LinLinLipsmeyerNSFGrant.jpg Southern Methodist University Carson Center offers game-changing expertise to research, industry /articles/carson-center-offers-game-changing-expertise-to-research-industry/?sc=c6266 /articles/carson-center-offers-game-changing-expertise-to-research-industry/?sc=c6266 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 10:05:03 EST Artificial Intelligence,Gaming,Robotics,Technology Science News Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/04/10/6616a2ba10d79_20240410-edgeworks-02.jpeg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />Edgeworks, a new research and service facility launched by the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is helping scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs transform cutting-edge concepts into game-changing reality. /articles//images/uploads/2024/04/10/6616a2ba10d79_20240410-edgeworks-02.jpeg University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Study Explores Video Game Addiction Rates /articles/new-study-explores-video-game-addiction-rates/?sc=c6266 /articles/new-study-explores-video-game-addiction-rates/?sc=c6266 Mon, 08 Apr 2024 12:05:18 EST Addiction,Gaming,All Journal News Life News (Pop Culture) Research Results Using data from a top video game streaming service, Puneet Manchanda, Isadore and Leon Winkelman Professor of Marketing, and PhD student Bruno Castelo Branco challenge preconceived notions of high addiction rates in the video game-playing community. University of Michigan Ross School of Business Children with autism benefit from use of video games /articles/children-with-autism-benefit-from-use-of-video-games/?sc=c6266 /articles/children-with-autism-benefit-from-use-of-video-games/?sc=c6266 Fri, 01 Mar 2024 11:05:52 EST Autism,Gaming,Neuro Medical News Research Results A University of Delaware lab is now pioneering the use of video games - specifically Nintendo Switch's Ring Fit - as an intervention to enhance movement and motor skills for children with autism. The research further demonstrates the positive impact of exercise-based games on cognition and social interactions. University of Delaware New Esports Medicine Research Aims to Prevent Blood Clots in Gamers /articles/preventing-blood-clots-in-gamers/?sc=c6266 /articles/preventing-blood-clots-in-gamers/?sc=c6266 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:05:56 EST Cardiovascular Health,Gaming,Sports Medicine,All Journal News Medical News Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2024/02/29/65e0c6d59f449_NYITCybears1118210653-lpr2.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="Newswise image" />A study from New York Institute of Technology's Center for Esports Medicine analyzes whether compression sleeves worn below the knee or short walking breaks can enhance blood flow and reduce blood clot risk in gamers. /articles//images/uploads/2024/02/29/65e0c6d59f449_NYITCybears1118210653-lpr2.jpg,/images/uploads/2024/02/29/65e0c70a6f50e_1.Compression.sonogram.image1.jpg,/images/uploads/2024/02/29/65e0c71eacf5f_thumbnailCompressionsleeveimage.jpg New York Institute of Technology, New York Tech