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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Experts and Sources on Same-Sex Marriage, CA Prop 8 Ruling

Newswise has a feature channel on same-sex marriage with experts and sources on the issue, including the recent development of the judicial ruling against proposition 8 in California.

The Same-Sex Marriage Feature Channel is located here.

Some of the latest stories:

Adoptive Children of Lesbian and Gay Couples Developing Well

Should the sexual orientation of prospective adoptive parents be considered when placing children in adoptive homes? According to the results of a new University of Virginia study, the answer may be “no.”

California Court Decision ‘Strongest’ Evidence for Constitutionality of Same-Sex Marriage

Cynthia Grant Bowman, professor of law at the Cornell University Law School and an expert on family law and gender, comments on the Aug. 4 decision of the Federal District Court in California holding that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

APA Presents Latest Research on Same-Sex Marriage at Annual Convention in San Diego

The American Psychological Association’s 2010 meeting will include a full program of sessions summarizing the areas of research that have been key in recent same-sex marriage court cases and other legal decisions supporting equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Sessions will feature the latest scientific research into same-sex couples’ relationships and family formation among lesbian, gay and bisexual people, as well as the effect of sexual stigma on individuals and families. Experts will explain how the most recent scientific evidence and legislation support same-sex marriage and adoption and counter prejudice and discrimination.

Indiana University Experts Available to Discuss Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Two faculty experts at Indiana University Bloomington are available to comment on the ruling Wednesday by a federal judge that California’s prohibition of same-sex marriage violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 08/05/10 at 01:31 PM


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