Newswise — As many as 600,000 Americans will experience a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism this year. The Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM) is working to increase awareness of DVT, its diagnosis and treatment.

A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in one of the deep veins, usually in the leg or pelvis, although some will form in the arm or elsewhere in the body.

• Nearly one-third of people who have had DVT have post-thrombotic syndrome, a chronic disabling condition characterized by swelling, pain, discoloration, and scaling in the affected limb.

• Nearly one-third of the 100,000 to 200,000 people who will have a pulmonary embolism will die.

March is DVT Awareness Month and in recognition of it, SVM has developed easy-to-understand information explaining DVT, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and where patients can find resources and additional

Additionally, the SVM Interactive Case Study of the Month for March focuses on DVT. In the case, a previously healthy 12-year-old boy presented to a hospital emergency room with pain in his right leg. Match wits with the physicians who treated him at See why the SVM Case Study of the Month is the most popular feature of the SVM Web site.

The Society for Vascular Medicine is a professional organization founded in 1989 to improve the integration of vascular biological advances into medical practice, and to maintain high standards of clinical vascular medicine. The Society is distinguished by its emphasis on clinical approaches to vascular disorders.

Contact SVM Headquarters for more information -- 847-480-2961 or email [email protected].