The video features Timothy Endy, M.D., M.P.H., Upstate’s chief of Infectious Disease and a founding member of the Center for Global Health & Translational Science at Upstate, and Indu Gupta, M.D., M.P.H., M.A., F.A.C.P., Onondaga County Health Commissioner.
Viewers will learn to differentiate the types of mosquito-borne illnesses found in Central New York as opposed to those found in other parts of the country and the world; how to protect themselves from mosquito bites and how to mosquito-proof their home environment.
Endy and Gupta also discuss symptoms of mosquito borne illnesses and what to do if you have symptoms; and provide a brief overview of current research into mosquito borne illnesses.
To view the video, visit Upstate YouTube at or Onondaga County Health Department at