Newswise — Three Mile Island (TMI), located just south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has been dormant since suffering a partial meltdown in March 1979. Now, there’s talk about bringing it back online. 

Residents of the region are naturally curious and potentially concerned about this development, prompting questions like:

  • Is this safe? 
  • How will it happen?
  • How long until it’s operational?

Why nuclear? And why now? It’s all about artificial intelligence (AI) and its . Is nuclear power safe? Can it help shore up America’s energy supply in an age of ubiquitous AI and continual groundbreaking on enormous data centers?

, Professor and Program Lead of Information Systems Engineering and Management at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, is available to comment on this historic development and explore the benefits, risks, and logistical realities of restarting a decommissioned nuclear reactor.

If you are interested in interviewing Amar about the potential renewal of nuclear energy in Pennsylvania and beyond, including the benefits, risks, and logistics, we would love to hear from you. You can reach our Executive Director of Communications, Jessica Warren, at [email protected] or 717.756.5465 to set up an interview.