Newswise — AutoSorter 1200 is Yaskawa Motoman’s high-speed sorting instrument for pre- and post-analytic specimen processing. It can process up to 1,200 tubes/hr. A large sort deck area yields extended walkaway times and expanded deck configuration options, while its reduced footprint saves precious lab floorspace. AutoSorter 1200 may be positioned against a wall or next to other instruments as all maintenance access is from the front of the instrument. AutoSorter 1200 is the standard for robust, accurate specimen sorting in high-throughput commercial/reference laboratories.   

AutoSorter 1200 provides improved processing accuracy, specimen traceability and relieves laboratory staff of repetitive tasks and exposure to infection. It permits the use of a wide variety of specimen container configurations and instrument racks. It may be used as a standalone workcell for “task-targeted” specimen processing (AutoSorter 1200S), or it may be connected to a track system (AutoSorter 1200T) as part of an integrated pre-/post-analytic specimen processing system. An integrated foil sealer is available (open tubes in racks in / sealed tubes in racks out), as is a bulk loading (hopper input / racked tubes out) option.

A bulk sorter model (AutoSorter 2000BB) is also available and provides maximum specimen throughput at up to 2,000 tubes/hr. It minimizes manual handling of specimens through bulk loading/unloading and reduces sequential sorting by fine sorting in one step. A bulk sorter configuration that maintains frozen specimens in a -20°C environment during the sorting process is also available.

Yaskawa Motoman provides automation solutions for labor-intensive, high throughput areas of the clinical diagnostic laboratory. Capabilities include sorting; aliquoting; decapping/recapping; thawing/mixing; centrifugation; and archive storage and retrieval – with a range of standard platforms. AutoSorter solutions can be customized to meet every laboratory's unique specimen processing needs.

About Yaskawa Motoman

Founded in 1989, the Motoman Robotics Division of Yaskawa America, Inc. is a leading robotics company in the Americas. With over 500,000 Motoman® robots installed globally, Yaskawa provides automation products and solutions for virtually every industry and robotic application; including arc welding, assembly, coating, dispensing, material handling, material cutting, material removal, packaging, palletizing and spot welding. For more information please visit our website at or call 937.847.6200.